Sabtu, 23 Juni 2012
MCNP5 Tally Enhancements for Lattices (aka Lattice Speed Tally Patch)
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Research Notes
Diagnostics Applications Group, X–5
To/MS: Distribution
From/MS: T. Goorley
Phone/Email: 5-8417/
Symbol: X-5-RN(U)04-20
Date: 2 June 2004
MCNP5 Tally Enhancements for Lattices
(aka Lattice Speed Tally Patch)
Tally and tracking modifications for MCNP4B were created by XTM in 1996 for the
Harvard/MIT Boron Neutron Capture Therapy clinical trials team to greatly reduce (by factors
of 100 or more) the wall-clock runtimes of their lattice calculations. The lattice speed tally
enhancements (LSTE) have been revised and added to the MCNP5_LANL_1.20 and
MCNP5_PROTON_1.16 threads. The revisions allow the code to recognize when most of the
stringent requirements are met and, if so, will automatically use the tally enhancements. These
requirements are: 1) a hexagonal lattice is present in the geometry, 2) none of the following are
used: dxtran spheres, gaussian energy broadening, energy, angle or time bins, energy, angle or
time bin multipliers, cell or surface flagging, several other tally types, time convolution, weight
windows generator, and perturbations, and 3) all F4 tally cells contain a lattice in their path.
MCNP will not check three criteria, however: 1) if nested lattices are tallied over, 2) if a partial
lattice index range is present on the F4 card, and 3) if the entries for a cell’s fill keyword
include its own universe. If any of the three preceding conditions are met, then MCNP will
likely crash but may yield wrong tally results, which are most likely all zeros.
Additionally, the new data card spdtl, with the keyword force or off, has been added to allow
the user to force or prevent, respectively, the use of the modified tally routine. This allows the
user to run a short test case with and without the enhancements and verify they are appropriate
if the two runs yield the same tally results. Using spdtl force will also print comments about
LSTE conflicts with other cards. To test the new executable, five regression suite test problems
were modified to be able to run with the LSTE, and their tally results agree as expected. The
new executable also passes the regression test suite.
Speed Tally Enhancements for MCNP5
Table of Contents
Abstract ........................................................................................................................................ 1
Table of Contents......................................................................................................................... 2
Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 2
Background.................................................................................................................................. 3
Lattice Speed Tally Enhancements (LSTE) Usage .................................................................... 4
Intended Problem Geometry................................................................................................. 5
Intended Tally Cards ............................................................................................................. 6
SPDTL Card ........................................................................................................................... 4
Variations from the Intended Geometry.............................................................................. 8
Variations in Intended Tally Cards ...................................................................................... 8
Tally Cards Disallowed with LSTE. ..................................................................................... 9
Words of Warning – Using the LSTE beyond the intended circumstances. ........................... 10
Changes to MCNP5 Source ...................................................................................................... 11
Changes to MCNP5 Manual..................................................................................................... 16
Testing........................................................................................................................................ 17
Results ........................................................................................................................................ 21
Future Improvements ................................................................................................................ 22
Summary .................................................................................................................................... 22
References.................................................................................................................................. 22
Appendix A: M&C 1998 ANS Conference Paper .................................................................... 24
Appendix B: LaJolla 1998 BNCT Conference Paper .............................................................. 29
Appendix C: Original MCNP4B Speed Tally Patch ................................................................ 34
Appendix D: An Example of Voxel Phantom Geometry.......................................................... 35
Appendix E: Modified Regression Test Problems.................................................................... 38
This research note describes the incorporation of the lattice speed tally enhancements
(LSTE) in MCNP5, which can greatly reduce wall clock runtimes for certain hexagonal lattice
geometries. The code will recognize if many of the strict criteria that the LSTE were originally
intended for have been met and will automatically use the modifications if so. This new
MCNP5 executable also allows the user to force or prevent the use of the tally enhancements
with the data card spdtl and the keyword force or off, respectively. Warning messages or
comments are printed to the screen and output file concerning the LSTE enhancement usage.
Speed Tally Enhancements for MCNP5
The LSTE and new executable passed three kinds of tests to ensure the LSTE didn’t introduce
defects and operates as intended.
This document discusses how and why these modifications were developed, their proper
usage, their implementation in MCNP5 and how they were tested. The “Background” section
discusses why these modifications were developed, by whom, and how they were implemented.
The “Lattice Speed Tally Usage” section contains six sub sections. The first subsection
discusses the usage of the spdtl (SPeeDTaLly) card in MCNP5, which can control whether the
enhancement is used or not. The next two subsections discuss the specific geometry and tally
problem setup that the enhancement was designed for. The next two subsections deal with
variations from this setup. The final subsections discusses other cards that cannot be used with
the LSTE. The section “Changes to MCNP5 Source” details the variable introduced in
MCNP5 and how they control whether the enhancement is used during the execution of the
code. The next section, “Changes to MCNP5 Manual”, mentions the changes to the MCNP5
Manual which should be implemented. The next section, “Testing”, discusses how the new
executable was verified. The “Results” section contains some comparisons of the speedup
achieved from the LSTE. The “Future Improvements” section mentions some additional
improvements, which could be implemented in the future if the need arises. Appendix A and B
contain two conference papers on the enhancement. The original LSTE for MCNP4B are in
Appendix C. Appendix D and E contain an example of the intended input and modified
regression test suite problems, respectively.
The lattice speed tracking and tally modifications were originally written by Dr. Gregg
McKinney and Dr. Ken Adams in 1996 while they were in X-TM (now X-5), for the
Harvard/MIT Boron Neutron Capture Therapy clinical trials program. The speedup obtained in
their MCNP4B lattice calculations made treatment planning tractable and logistically feasible
in a schedule which contained patient assessment, CT and MRI imaging, treatment planning,
and neutron irradiation in a single week. The runtimes of their MCNP lattice problem, a 21 x
21 x 25 (each voxel is 1 cm3) model, based on patient CT images, were effectively reduced by a
factor of ~200 when the modifications were implemented. These runtime reductions, as well as
the patch itself, have been presented in two conference papers, which are included in Appendix
A and B. The second paper also discusses the testing and verification of the modifications,
which were important since the modified version did not track the unmodified version.
Speed Tally Enhancements for MCNP5
As more countries initiated their own BNCT clinical trials, this patch (and the software
to generate MCNP input decks from CT images) was distributed abroad without charge. I
estimate roughly twelve research teams use this patched version of MCNP4B, most for patient
treatment planning of neutron irradiations. Anyone with a large hexagonal lattice geometry and
a few specific tally cards, however, would benefit from these modifications. Aside from
clinical trials teams, several researchers are doing calculations with large lattices, ie. millions or
tens of millions of voxels, based on human CT images, which also benefit from these
Many of the users of the existing patched version of MCNP4B complain that it is very
unwieldy. Since modifications were applied at compile time, the executable would not run the
regression test suite, resulting in several access violations and program crashes. This created
problems for verification and validation efforts. Additionally, if the user wanted to use the
patched version of the code, they had to continue to use MCNP4B. Since these calculations
often use a surface source from a reactor criticality calculation, this kcode calculation had to
be run with MCNP4B, instead of the most recent version of MCNP. Integrating the
modifications into the LANL source would alleviate these problems and allow more users to
access this functionality.
Lattice Speed Tally Enhancements (LSTE) Usage
While the LSTE dramatically reduces wall-clock runtimes, there are very few
circumstances which can successfully utilize the enhancement. The following paragraphs
address the LSTE usage and problem setup. The first section below discusses the spdtl card.
The following two sections discuss the input geometry and tally cards that the enhancement
was designed for. The following sections address altering the geometry and tally cards from
that intended in the development of the LSTE. The final section lists which tally cards are
prohibited with the lattice speed tally enhancements (either automatically or with the spdtl
force card).
The use of the LSTE can be controlled with the spdtl card. The card is used in the data
card section of the MCNP input deck and must have exactly one of two possible keywords.
The keyword off will preserve normal behavior (i.e. slow), even if all the criteria are meet.
The keyword force will force the use of the lattice speed tally enhancements, unless there is
Speed Tally Enhancements for MCNP5
not a hexagonal lattice present, in which case this card will be ignored. The force keyword
will also cause comment messages to be printed for any conflict between the LSTE and other
cards. Forcing the use of the lattice speed tally modifications may result in a crash, tallies
which are all zero’s or even silently wrong answers. Using spdtl force is discouraged, except
to identify conflicts between the LSTE and other cards. If the spdtl card is not present, mcnp
will check most of the possible conflicting cards or keywords are will use the lattice speed tally
modifications if appropriate. MCNP will not check three criteria, however: 1) if nested lattices
are used in a F4 tally, 2) if a partial lattice index range is present on the F4 card, and 3) if the
entries for a cell’s fill keyword include its own universe.
Intended Problem Geometry
The LSTE was written for use with a specific geometry. This geometry contained only
a large lattice contained in a void sphere. An example of this geometry is show in Figure 1.
Figure 1. MCNP5 geometry plot of intended problem geometry: a hexagonal lattice
contained in a sphere defining the problem space. This lattice is a 64x64x63 model of a human
Speed Tally Enhancements for MCNP5
Several restrictions apply to the lattice specifications. The universe which fills each
lattice voxel was individually specified, i.e. lat=1 fill= -10:9 –15:14 –5:4 2 5999r for a
20x30x10 lattice of universe 2 cells. Simply saying lat=1 fill=2 will construct the same
geometry in MCNP5, but will not work properly with the LSTE and will result in silent wrong
answers. For the intended problem geometry, the variation of the filling universes is what
creates the voxel phantom. Additionally, none of these specified fill universes belong to the
filling cell. In this example for cell 10, 10 100 –1.5 …. u=3 lat=1 fill=-10:9 –15:14 –5:4
2 3 4 1 5995r, the 3 between the 2 and 4 references a universe, 3, which is the same universe
that the fill keyword belongs to (u=3). This is allowed in MCNP and causes the corresponding
lattice voxel to filled with that cell’s material, material 100 in this case. If cell 10 didn’t have a
material and density, the corresponding lattice voxel would be a void. This was not intended to
be handled by the LSTE, however. Finally, in the original problem geometry, all the lattice
cells that are specified are available for transport, i.e. there is not another bounding surface
which excludes some of the lattice. Since neutron doses are calculated in all lattice voxels, no
variance reduction is used other than implicit capture. The importance for all cells is 1, except
the outside cell, which is importance 0. For a complete example input deck for which the
LSTE is fully compatible, see Appendix D.
Intended Tally Cards
The lattice speed tally enhancement was written for use with the f4, sd4, fm4, de4 and
df4 cards, but, like the lattice geometry, there a few restrictions are placed on these cards. The
f4 card must reference a hexagonal lattice (i.e. brackets must be used), must reference the path
to the lattice, and must reference exactly the entire lattice in which particles are transported.
For example, the f24:p (100<100[ -8:7 -8:7 -8:7]) tally card is valid with the LSTE when
the corresponding geometry has a cell with a fill index range entry of fill= -8:7 –8:7 –8:7. As
per the usual tally format, the lattice may not be the first thing specified, so the 100[-8:7 –8:7
–8:7] must be preceded by the 100<, and the whole path must be in parenthesis. Even though
the lattice is neither the highest nor the lowest level universe, this path is acceptable for use
with or without the LSTE. MCNP5 will check to see if a lattice is referenced on the f4 tally
card and will not use the LSTE if no lattice is specified. MCNP5 will not check to see if the
lattice index range or path is correct.
The sd4 card, used to enter the volume of a lattice voxel, should be present. The fatal
error “tally volumes or areas were not input nor calculated” will be issued by MCNP if the sd4
Speed Tally Enhancements for MCNP5
card is not present, and if the volume for each lattice voxel is not calculated. The original
lattice speed tally was written for a voxel volume which happened to be 1.0.
A fm4 card must be present for each tally, and must be a single value multiplier, to use
the LSTE. If the tally values do not need to be multiplied or changed, fm4 1.0 should be used.
Typically, for the problem the enhancement was designed for, the single entry on the FM card
is used to multiply the tally result by the neutron beam source strength, causing the tally
(usually flux per source particle) to yield the neutrons/cm2s. MCNP5 will check to see if a fm
card is present for each tally, and if not, will not use the LSTE. If the fm4 card is not present,
that tally’s results will be 0.0 if the spdtl force card is used. MCNP5 will check to see if
multiple entries are present on the fm card for each tally, and if so, will not use the LSTE. If
multiple entries are used on the fm4 card, to calculate reaction rates for example, and the spdtl
force card is used, the results will be silently wrong or may cause a crash.
The de4 df4 cards functional normally but must be present to use the LSTE. If the
tally values do not need to be multipled by a set of dose conversion factors or response
function, then two entries (over the entire energy range of the particle tallied over in the
problem) should be give as 1.0. For example, de4 1E-11 100 (newline) df4 1 1 should be
used for neutron tallies. Typically the de4 df4 cards are used to convert neutron or photon
fluxes in to kerma (~dose). If each tally does not have a de4 df4 card, then MCNP will not
use the LSTE. If the spdtl force card is used, that tally’s values will be 0.0 if no de df cards
are present for that tally.
Several other tallies are compatible with the LSTE. Since the f5 tallies, the point and
ring detectors, are not referenced in the skipped portion of the code, they are not impacted by
the LSTE and operate as intended. The LSTE were designed developed for MCNP4B, and two
new tally capabilities have been introduced since. The fmesh card and the radiography tallies
(fir, fic, fip) do not use the tally routine which was modified and are thus compatible with the
LSTE. Any legal tally modification card (fm, de df, e, t, em, tm, etc.) can be used with
these tallies and will not interfere nor be affected by the LSTE, i.e. these cards produce the
same tally output with or without the LSTE and the LSTE will not affect the speed of these
tallies. Minor differences in the figure of merit (FOM) will be present if there is any tally
which uses the LSTE. Using either of these other tally capabilities will slow down the code,
however. The difference in run times will vary with the size and granularity of the mesh used
with the tallies. Table 1 summaries the restrictions on the cards the LSTE are intended to be
used with.
Speed Tally Enhancements for MCNP5
Table 1. Tally cards intended to be used with the lattice speed tally modifications.
Tally Related Data
Cards Allowed Comments
F4 Volume Averaged Tally -Every lattice location must be tallied over.
*DE DF cards (for F4) Dose Response - Function as usual. Must be present
*SD (for F4) Segment Divisor - Function as usual. Must be present.
*FM (for F4) Tally Multiplier - Only simple multiplier allowed! Must be present.
F5, F5x, F5y, F5z Point or Ring Detectors – Function as usual.
FMESH Mesh Tally - Function as usual.
FIR, FIP, FIC Radiography Tally - Function as usual.
* The DE DF SD and FM cards for F5, FMESH, FIR, FIP, and FIC cards are optional and fully functional.
Most other tally cards and F4 tally related cards are not intended for use with the LSTE.
See the following section, “Cards Disallowed with the Lattice Speed Modifications” for more
Variations from the Intended Geometry
Major variations in this geometry are not expected to cause problems, since the main
lattice speed tally modifications are only to one of the tally routines, tally.F90. Additional cells
may be added to this geometry, including other lattices. Adding lattices within lattices is valid
and transport will still be valid, but the tallies may not behave correctly. Using the like ... but
card to copy an existing lattice is also valid for transport, but will cause difficulties if tallied
over. Small deviations from this geometry have been tested, such as adding another lattice and
material external to the lattice, and the output and tally files are as expected. See the discussion
under “Testing” about variations in the geometries of the regression test suite which are
appropriate for use with the LSTE. The are no checks in MCNP5 to determine the validity of
the geometry when using the LSTE.
Variations in Intended Tally Cards
Unlike the geometry portion of the input deck, the tally cards are very sensitive to
change when using the LSTE. Even small variations from the originally intended tally cards
may result in tally values which are all zero’s, an unexpected code crash, or even silent wrong
answers. MCNP5 will check many of the criteria which the LSTE depend on and will enable
or disable the modifications according to the cards or keywords present. Not all criteria are
Speed Tally Enhancements for MCNP5
checked, however, and the user is encouraged to run a short problem both with and without the
LSTE and verify that the tally values exactly agree.
Some variations in the tally cards are have been tested and verified, however. The full
path to a lattice cell can be given on its tally card, and not just the lattice itself. Individual cells
which partially comprise a lattice voxel can also be tallied over correctly, and not just the entire
lattice voxel. The entire lattice must still be tallied over, however. Extending the lattice tally
range to voxels where particle transport will not occur results in a fatal error “[i]error in level x
of f card y tally z.” Using the sd card with entries other than 1.0 has been tested and works
correctly. Tallying over nested lattices will partially work. Only the upper (outermost) lattice
tally will be correct. See the “Testing” section for more details.
Tally Cards Disallowed with LSTE.
The modifications to tally.F90 effectively skip all of the coding (541 lines) and replace
it with 22 lines of code. Therefore, most of the lines of code corresponding to angle, energy, or
time bins or multipliers, perturbations, the weight windows multipliers, etc. have been skipped
and, assumedly, will no longer work correctly. Coding for tally types other than the F4, fmesh,
radiography tallies, and point and ring detectors is also skipped and they are prohibited when
using the LSTE. Specific cards corresponding to the skipped code (and therefore not
compatible with the LSTE) were identified by one of four ways: 1) skipped subroutine calls, 2)
skipped global array assignment statements, 3) comments in skipped code, 4) running the code
with the suspect test card. The list of known disallowed cards is given in Table 2. When these
cards are used, the default for LSTE is switched to off, and the LSTE can only be enabled with
the spdtl force card. Doing so, however, will probably result in a MCNP crash during
Speed Tally Enhancements for MCNP5
Table 2. Cards explicitly disallowed with lattice speed tally.
Comment in code Associated
Associated index
in cnm variable
! warn if tally made by both
dxtran and non-dxtran particles.
! gaussian energy broadening. FT (GEB) 28
! find the energy bin and
multiply by the energy bin
! find the time bin. T
! set jbd=2 if the tally is flagged. CF
! set up tally index coefficients. PERT 85
! branch according to tally type. Fn Types of 24
! find the segment bin. preserve
lgc for track. (Firsts of Many
comments about segments and
! multiply by the energy if there
is a * on the f card. *Fn Option of 24
! do time convolution. FM 34
! totals nest. (calls weight
window generator)
! check about particle track
Other than the weight windows generator, all the excluded cards are related to tallies.
Cards related to plotting, physics, printing and cutoffs are not affected, and are allowed. While
the wwg and wwge cards are not allowed, the weight windows card itself is still acceptable.
Words of Warning – Using the LSTE beyond the intended circumstances.
There are many checks in MCNP to make sure that the LSTE will be used
appropriately. If any of the disallowed cards in Table 2 are present, the LSTE will not be used
unless the spdtl force card is present. Using multiple entries on the fm card, or not having a
fm or de, df cards for any tally will likewise prevent the LSTE from being used. If a
hexagonal lattice is not present or every f4 tally does not reference the lattice, the LSTE will
not be used. MCNP will not check three criteria, however: 1) if nested lattices are tallied over,
2) if a partial lattice index range is present on the F4 card, and 3) if the entries for a cell’s fill
Speed Tally Enhancements for MCNP5
keyword include its own universe. It is up to the user to determine if these conditions are
As a robust test of the LSTE capability for a problem setup, users should run a short job
without the spdtl card and another with spdtl off. The file without the spdtl card should use
the LSTE, if the criteria have been met. In either case, a message to the screen and output file
will indicate if MCNP used the LSTE or not. Enough particles should be run to give non-zero
tally results in most of the lattice cells. If the output tally values agree for both runs, then it is
acceptable to use the LSTE for a much longer history run. Some differences in runtimes and
FOM values are expected. This test only needs to be performed for changes in problem
geometry or tally cards.
Changes to MCNP5 Source
Eight subroutines were changed in MCNP5_LANL 1.20 thread. These changes relate
to setting one of the five flags, or printing comment or warning messages, or the tally
modifications themselves.
Five flags control the functionality of the lattice speed tally patch. The first,
flag_speed_tally_ok, is set if the criteria have been meet to use the patch. It is initially set to 0,
indicating no tests have been done yet. It is then set to 1 if a hexagonal lattice is present. This
is set in nxtit1, which is in the first pass through the input deck. In newcrd and nextit, the
second pass through the input deck, flag_speed_tally_ok is set to –1 if any of the cards or
options preventing the use of the LSTE are present. The test to determine if the LSTE should
be disallowed is dependant on flag_speed_tally_ok set to 1. This is done so that if
flag_speed_tally_ok is still set to 0, its value is unchanged and lattice speed tally messages are
not printed. The lat keyword will always be found in the first pass of the input deck and the
disallowed cards are always checked in the second pass, so there is no conflict, ie. the flag is
enabled before it can be disabled. Even if the data card lat is the last line in the input deck the
check will still function properly. The flag is initialized in main.F90 to -1, after all the fixcom
variables (including flag_speed_tally_used) are initialized to zero. The second flag is
flag_speed_tally_force, and is used to indicate the keyword on the spdtl card. It is initialized
to 0 in mcnp_global and set to 1 or –1 in newcd1 if spdtl force or off, respectively, is present.
The third flag, flag_speed_tally_used is set to 1 if the modifications are to be used, ie. if
the requisite criteria are meet. It is also set to 1 if the spdtl card is present and the force option
is used, but two warnings are printed if the criteria are not meet. The flag_speed_tally_used is
Speed Tally Enhancements for MCNP5
set to –1 if the speed tally is not used because the criteria are not meet. It is also set to –1 if the
card spdtl is present and the off keyword is used. This logic is performed in rdprob.F90. The
flag flag_speed_tally_used is added to the fixcom common so that it would be used
appropriately in continue runs. It is the only card which needs to be added to fixcom, as the
geometry cannot change in a continue run, nor can any prohibited card be added to the continue
The fourth and fifth flags were added to check if fm and de df cards are present for
every f4 tally. The 2D integer arrays flag_speed_tally_fm and flag_speed_tally_de are
declared in mcnp_global as allocatable. In the beginning of rdprob, both dimensions of both
variables are allocated from 1: ntal, the number of tallies present in the problem, excluding
fmesh tallies. Then they are set to zero. If a f4 tally is encountered, the
flag_speed_tally_fm(ital,2) and flag_speed_tally_de(ital,2) is set in newcrd to icn, a value
corresponding to the user defined number of the f4 tally (4, 14, 24, etc.). If a fm de, or df card
is encountered, the flag_speed_tally_fm(ital,1) or corresponding de array is also set to icn. In
rdprob, a loop over ntal is performed, and if flag_speed_tally_fm(I,1) or de is zero, then that
means that the f4 card does not have a corresponding fm or de df card. Then the LSTE are
disabled, unless the spdtl force card is present, and in that case a comment message is printed
stating which tally does not have a fm or de df card. These tests in rdprob and checks in
newcrd are designed so that the legal use or absence of the fm de or df cards for a f5, fmesh,
radiography tally or point or ring detector do not prevent the use of the LSTE. These changes
are summarized in Table 3.
Speed Tally Enhancements for MCNP5
Table 3. Changes to MCNP5 Source (as of the MCNP5_LANL_1-23 thread in cvs)
Routine Line
Number Effect
Fixcom.F90 104
Declare flag_speed_tally_used as integer ( 1 or –1)
Add flag_speed_tally_used to fixcom common.
Equivalence Flag_speed_tally_used to jfixcm
Main.F90 137 Initialize flag_speed_tally_used to -1
Mcnp_global.F90 167-183
Declare flag_speed_tally_ok = 0
Declare flag_speed_tally_force = 0
Declare flag_speed_tally_fm 2D integer arrays & allocatable
Declare flag_speed_tally_de 2D integer arrays & allocatable
Newcd1.F90 224-232 Handle SPDTL card and keyword.
Newcrd.F90 262-271,
418, 450
Check if prohibited tally modifying cards are present.
Check if prohibited tally cards are present. Set fm, de check
Check if [ appears on f4 tally line.
Set check for fm, de df presence.
Check for prohibited dxtran
Check for prohibited wwg and wwge
Check for prohibited pert card
Nextit.F90 515-517
Change flag_speed_tally_ok to –1 if more than 1 entry on FM
Handle SPDTL card and warning message.
Nxtit1.F90 479 Change flag_speed_tally_ok to 1 if hexagonal lattice present.
Rdprob.F90 24-28
Allocate and zero flag_speed_tally_fm and de.
Do check for fm, de df cards over all (f4) tallies.
Issue comment/warning on use & appropriateness of lattice
tally. See Table 4 for warning text. Set flag_speed_tally_used
according to values of flag_speed_tally_ok and
Tally.F90 22
If test on flag_speed_tally_used to skip most of tally routine
Lattice speed tally patch
The lattice speed tally modifications which replace the majority of tally.F90 in
MCNP5_LANL and MCNP5_PROTONS are shown in the text below.
Speed Tally Enhancements for MCNP5
! this is the special speed tally treatment for lattices
800 lx=lo+2 ! From: do all tallies that inc this cell, surface
ta=wgt ! include weight of particle in tally
j=-mfl(1,nint(udt(7,lev-1))) ! effectively from do surface or cell bins
do ml=1,itds(lo) !From: do all tallies that inc this cell, surface
& laf(j+2,1)+laf(j+2,2)*(n10-laf(j+3,1)))+1
tb=dosef(ta) ! Include DE, DF cards into tally result
if(tal(j7) .eq. 0._dknd)then
if(jtls .le. ktls) tal(ktal+nmxf*mxf+jtls)=j7
During the execution of MCNP5, the warnings given in Table 4 will be printed to the
screen and the output file, depending on the input deck. Additionally, every time a condition in
the input deck which would prevent the use of the LSTE occurs, a comment message is printed
to the screen and the output file if spdtl force is in the input deck.
Speed Tally Enhancements for MCNP5
Table 4. Comments & warnings issued in conjunction with lattice speed tally enhancements.
Routine Message Condition
Newcrd1 Fatal. spdtl card must have exactly one
keyword, either force or off.
Spdtl card present in input deck,
but no / wrong keyword present.
Rdprob Warning. Using lattice speed tally
modifications. + More, see below
flag_speed_tally_ok == 1
flag_speed_tally_force == 0 or 1
(i.e. OK to use mods, either
forced or no spdtl card.)
Rdprob Comment. lattice speed tally modifications ok
to use, but have been turned off.
flag_speed_tally_ok == 1
flag_speed_tally_force == -1
(i.e. OK to use mods, but ‘spdtl
off’ present)
Rdprob Comment. lattice speed tally modifications will
not be used.
flag_speed_tally_ok == -1
flag_speed_tally_force == -1 or 0
( i.e. Not OK to use mods, no
spdtl or ‘spdtl off’)
Warning. using lattice speed tally even though
not appropriate.
Warning. Silent wrong answers or crash may
flag_speed_tally_ok == -1
flag_speed_tally_force == 1
(i.e.) Not OK to use mods, ‘spdtl
force’ present.)
Nextit Warning. spdtl card present, but no lattice. spdtl
Spdtl card present. No lattice
card present or lat /= 1
Flag_speed_tally == 0
Flag_speed_tally_force = -1 or 1
---- No message ----
flag_speed_tally_ok == 0
flag_speed_tally_force == 0
(i.e.) No lattice & No spdlt card.
The full message displayed if the LSTE are used is:
warning. Using lattice speed tally modifications.
warning. User should review input deck and verify the following are true:
warning. 1) Nested lattices are not tallied over.
warning. 2) A cell with the fill keyword does not reference its own universe.
warning. 3) Lattice index range on tally must match corresponding fill range.
warning. Failure to meet these criteria may result in silent wrong answers.
warning. See the Lattice Speed Tally Enhancement report: LA-UR-04-3400
This message is intended to make sure that the user checks his own input deck for the
three cases which MCNP does not check for.
Speed Tally Enhancements for MCNP5
If the LSTE is used, some warning messages will not be printed, since they are skipped
in the tally routine. These warning messages relate to user and time bins, which should not be
present if the lattice speed tally enhancements are being used.
Table 5. Comments & warnings not issued if lattice speed tally enhancements used.
Routine Message
Tally Warning. Tally not scored beyond last user bin
Tally Warning. Tally not scored beyond last time bin
Tally Warning. Tallyx is in an endless loop.
Changes to MCNP5 Manual
The MCNP5 Manual should be changed to reflect the modifications to the MCNP5
source. The following changes should be made to the manual:
1) Page 3-77, Add to the end of the table: SPDTL Lattice Speed Tally page 3-114
2) Page 3-86, after n, pl.Si, Ci, #, Ii listing. Add new line:" Use: Consider using the SPDTL
3) Page 3-114 Immediately prior to the line F. Material Specification, add the SPDTL card
SPDTL Lattice Speed Tally Enhancement
Form: SPDTL x
x = off or force (one entry is required)
Default: The lattice speed tally enhancement will be enabled by default if MCNP strict criteria
are meet.
Use: Optional.
The data card spdtl, with the keyword force or off, will allow the user to force or prevent,
respectively, the use of the lattice speed tally enhancement. This allows the user to run a short
test case with and without the enhancements and verify they are appropriate if the two runs
yield the same tally results. Using spdtl force will also print comments about lattice speed tally
enhancement conflicts with other cards.
The lattice speed tally enhancements will greatly reduce the runtime of certain problems,
namely large lattices used for voxel phantoms. This enhancement will only work under certain
conditions, which MCNP will try to detect. If any of the following criteria are not met, then the
lattice speed tally enhancement will not be used unless the spdtl force card is used. Using the
spdtl force card to run the lattice speed tally enhancement is discouraged, since it may result in
a program crash, tally values which are all zero's, or silent wrong answers.
Speed Tally Enhancements for MCNP5
Criteria which must be met for MCNP to automatically (and appropriately) use the lattice speed
tally enhancement:
a) A hexagonal lattice must be present in the geometry.
b) All F4 tallies contain a hexagonal lattice.
c) None of the following cards are used: dxt, dxc, f1, f2, *F4, f6, f7, f8, +f8, pert, wwg, wwge
d) None of the following cards are used to modify a F4 tally: ft, e, em, t, tm, cf, sf, fs, c.
e) All F4 tallies have an associated fm4 card which contains only a single digit multiplier.
f) All F4 tallies have associated de df cards.
The following criteria are not checked by MCNP. It is up to the user to make sure the input
deck meets these criteria:
g) Nested lattices are not tallied over.
h) The entries for a cell's fill card do not include that cell's own universe number.
i) The full lattice index range is given on every lattice on each f4 tally card.
For more information, see the LANL Research Note X.
4) Appendix A, page A-10 and A-12 (in the tally section). Add the new line "SPDTL
prevent or force lattice speed tally enhancements " and add the appropriate links to page 3-114.
5) Index-9 Add SPDTL with reference to 3-114. Index-6 Add Lattice Tally Enhancements
with reference to 3-114.
The LSTE modifications were tested in three different ways. The first was to run the
regression test suite, which by default meet none of the LSME criteria, and check for
differences. The second test was to modify the five lat=1 regression test suite problems so that
they are usable with the LSTE, and then compare output with and without the spdtl off card.
The third method was to use a BNCT input deck and again compare the output with and
without the spdtl off card.
Running the regression test suite with the LSTE executable was a success. None of the
test problems meet the criteria to use the LSTE, so the executed code should not have changed,
except for the comment messages that the LSTE will not be used. These warning messages
were only be present in the five problems that use a hexagonal lattice: inp15, inp16, inp17,
inp24 and inp38.
As a secondary test, these five input decks were changed so that they would use the
LSTE. Cards which cannot be used with the LSTE were commented out. Other cards were
added or modified to run with the LSTE. Table 6 summarizes the input files, modifications and
what is tested. The modified regression test suite problems are found in Appendix E. These
cards are discussed in more detail in the following paragraph.
Speed Tally Enhancements for MCNP5
Speed Tally Enhancements for MCNP5
Table 6. Regression test suite modifications to run with LSTE
file Modifications Purpose
Inp15 Comment out f2 sd2.
Add fill=-3:7 -4:3 -2:2 3 439r to cell
Add f4:n (6<6[ -3:7 -4:3 -2:2 ])
sd4 1, fm4 1, de4, df4 cards
Test tracking and tallying over
lattice which is partially obscured
by other cells.
Inp16 Comment out f2, e2, f6:p, dxt:p cards
Add fill=-1:1 –1:1 0:0 3 8r card to cell
Add f4:p (5<5[0:1 0:3 0:0]<3), sd4 1,
fm4 1, de4 df4 cards.
Test tallies over multiple lattices.
Test tallies of cells within lattices.
Test fill card without lattice
Inp17 Comment out fq4, f16, f6, f7, f5 *f8
Add f4:n (3<3[-2:2 -2:2 -2:2]), de4
df4 cards. Sd4 card not added
Test tallies with and without sd
Test in conjunction with kcode
Inp24 Comment out f6, sd6
Changed fill universes to other than own
Add f4:n card
Test of lattices within lattices.
Test of fill card with own cell
universe specified.
Inp38 Comment out cards associated with tallies f4,
f14, f24, f34, f44, f54. Add new f4, f14, f24
Test of lattices within lattices.
Test of fill card with own cell
universe specified.
Cube17 New input deck Test LSTE with fmesh, f5, fir cards.
Test c, fs, e fm cards with these
tallies (in addition to LSTE f4
tallies). Test e0 card. Test warning
messages with these cards.
Modified regression test suite problems 15, 16, 17 were able to track and yield identical
tally results (other than figure-of-merit related items) with and without the LSTE. These test
problems exercises the LSTE for geometries which obscure portions of a complete rectilinear
lattice, multiple lattices (but not nested), and kcode problems. These input decks also tested
tallying over certain cells which comprise a lattice cell. All tests were successful.
The inp24 geometry was fairly complex, with nested lattices, and some lattice cells
being filled by their own universe number, in this case they were filled with water. A portion
of this geometry is shown in Figure 3. Once the tally cards which exclude the use of the LSTE
were removed, and the appropriate fm, sd and de df cards were added, the problem was run
with LSTE. The lattice cells being filled by their own universe caused the code to crash. When
these cells were replaced by a dummy water cell with a different universe, the problem ran.
Unfortunately, only the tallies which corresponded to the lowest level universe (lattice cell 7)
were correct. The nested lattice produced silent wrong answers.
Speed Tally Enhancements for MCNP5
Figure 3. MCNP geometry plot (pz = 50) of inp24. There are nested lattices and lattice cells
which are filled by their own universe (ie. void).
Test problem inp38 is similar to inp24. The geometry of this problem contains nested
lattices, with some lattice cells being filled by their own universe number. Figure 4 shows this
geometry. Once the tally cards which exclude the use of the LSTE were removed, and the
appropriate fm, sd and de df cards were added, the problem was run with LSTE. The lattice
cells being filled by their own universe caused the code to crash. When these water cells were
replaced by a dummy water cell with a different universe, the problem ran. Only the lowest
level lattice, cell 4, tallies were correct, however. The upper-level lattice, cell 3, had a mix of
correct, wrong and zero tally values. These differences can be shown by running the input
problem in Appendix D with and without the spdtl off card.
Speed Tally Enhancements for MCNP5
Figure 2. Geometry plot of regression test problem inp38. Nested lattices are present. This
causes the LSTE to result in silent wrong answers.
The LSTE was also tested with a simplified BNCT input deck, which is given in
Appendix D. It contains f4, f5, mesh and radiography tallies, all of which yield the same tally
results with and without the LSTE. It also tests the appropriate use and checking of the fm, de
df cards when used legally by the point detectors. The input deck and executable performed
correctly in both sequential, mpi, omp, and mpi+omp runs, and also with continue runs.
A typical BNCT problem was used for some simple timing studies with the modified
version of MCNP5. For this case, 1 million source particles were used for initial scooping
calculations, and 10 million source particles were used for the final run during treatment
planning. Wall clock run-times on a Dell Precision 350 (two 2.0 GHz Pentium Xenon
Processors, 1 Gbyte of RAM) for these source neutron problems are shown in Table 7. In all
cases, the mctal and output files only differ with regard to the time of the run.
Speed Tally Enhancements for MCNP5
Table 7. Decrease in runtimes for BNCT example case.
File Cutoff Nps w/ Patch NPS w/o Patch Effective Decrease in Runtime
BNCT1 Ctme 2 183625 264 695
1.44 854.03 593
BNCT1 Nps 1M 11.43 6957.8 609
These results also show that the wall clock runtime improvement is a function of the
number of histories run, in addition to slight changes in problem geometry. Usually both
source neutron and photon input decks are run, but the neutron input decks are the time limiting
Future Improvements
There are a few additional improvements that could be implemented. The tally.F90
modifications could be reviewed for what tally cards/functionality could easily be added
without sacrificing the speedup. Other portions of the code might also be optimized to speed
up certain classes of problems. The checks for the LSTE that MCNP does not do could be
implemented. Checks could be added to determine if nested lattices have been tallied over, the
full index range is tallied over, and that fill entries do not use their own universe.
The lattice speed tally enhancements will greatly reduce the run times of a certain few
lattice geometries. MCNP5 is able to detect if most of these circumstances are met, and will
automatically use the enhancement if applicable. Using the force keyword will cause the
LSTE to be used, and print out potential conflicts between the LSTE and some cards. The card
spdtl off will prevent the LSTE from being used and is useful for comparing short runs with
and without the LSTE to confirm a given input deck is compatible with the LSTE.
Incorporating the LSTE with the LANL MCNP source will enable more users to have access to
this functionality and allow current users to upgrade to MCNP5.
1) R.G. Zamenhof, E. Redmond II, G.R. Solares, D.Katz, S. Kiger, and O.K. Harling,
“Monte Carlo based treatment planning for boron neutron capture therapy using custom
designed models automatically generated from CT data,” International Journal of
Radiation Oncology, Biology & Physics. Vol. 35, no. 383, 1996.
Speed Tally Enhancements for MCNP5
2) M.R. Palmer, J.T. Goorley, W.S. Kiger, III, P.M. Busse, K.J. Riley, O.K. Harling, and
R.G. Zamenhof. Treatment Planning and Dosimetry for the Harvard-MIT Phase I
Clinical Trial of Cranial Neutron Capture Therapy. International Journal of Radiation
Oncology, Biology & Physics. Vol. 53, no. 5., pp 1361-1379, 2002.
Speed Tally Enhancements for MCNP5
Appendix A: M&C 1998 ANS Conference Paper
This conference paper was the first of two conference papers discussing the speed tally
patch. It describes the patch as well as the speed improvements resulting from the patch
and implementation of MCNP4B in parallel using PVM on two Windows NT computers.
Citation: Goorley, T, G. McKinney, K. Adams, G. Estes, “MCNP Speed Advances in
BNCT” Proceedings of the American Nuclear Society Radiation Protection and Shielding
Conference, Vol II. Nashville, TN, April 1998, pp. 95-98.
MCNP Speed Advances for Boron Neutron Capture Therapy
J. Tim Goorley (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Gregg McKinney, Ken Adams, Guy Estes (Los Alamos National Laboratory))
The Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT) treatment planning process of the Beth Israel
Deaconess - MIT team relies on MCNP to determine dose rates in the subject’s head for
various beam orientations. In this time consuming computational process, four or five potential
beams are investigated. Of these, one or two final beams are selected and thoroughly
evaluated. Recent advances greatly decreased the time needed to do these MCNP calculations.
Two modifications to the new MCNP4B source code, lattice tally and tracking enhancements,
reduced the wall-clock run times of a typical one million source neutrons run to one hour
twenty five minutes on a 200 MHz Pentium Pro computer running Linux and using the GNU
FORTRAN compiler. Previously these jobs used a special version of MCNP4A created by
Everett Redmond, which completed in two hours two minutes. In addition to this 30%
speedup, the MCNP4B version was adapted for use with Parallel Virtual Machine (PVM) on
personal computers running the Linux operating system. MCNP, using PVM, can be run on
multiple computers simultaneously, offering a factor of speedup roughly the same as the
number of computers used. With two 200 MHz Pentium Pro machines, the run time was
reduced to forty-five minutes, a 1.9 factor of improvement over the single Linux computer.
While the time of a single run was greatly reduced, the advantages associated with PVM derive
from using computational power not already used. Four possible beams, currently requiring
four separate runs, could be run faster when each is individually run on a single machine under
Windows NT, rather than using Linux and PVM to run one after another with each
multiprocessed across four computers. It would be advantageous, however, to use PVM to
distribute the final two beam orientations over four computers.
Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT) is an experimental bimodal cancer treatment
utilizing neutron irradiation and a tumor seeking 10B loaded pharmaceutical. The BNCT
treatment planning process of the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) -
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) team relies on the Monte Carlo N-Particle
(MCNP1) transport code to determine dose rates throughout a model of the subject’s head, or
other body part. The model is constructed using patient specific CT data with the aid of
1 MCNP is a trademark of the Regents of the University of California, Los Alamos National Laboratory.
Speed Tally Enhancements for MCNP5
treatment planning software, MacNCTPlan2,3. This program allows the medical physicist to
combine the thermal and fast neutron, structural and induced gamma, and 10B dose rates
calculated by MCNP with appropriate relative biological effectiveness (RBE). It also allows
the comparison of RBE dose rates to normal tissue, sensitive structures and tumor from scoping
run results of four or five potential beam orientations. Of these, one or two final beams are
selected and thoroughly evaluated. Both the scoping and final runs are time intensive
computational tasks, limiting the practicality of the BNCT treatment planning process.
Increased computational efficiency and running tasks in parallel has greatly decreased the time
needed to do these MCNP calculations.
2.1 MCNP
There are several reasons MCNP is used for the dose rate calculation. It has the ability
to accurately represent the subject’s head, the irradiation beam’s spatial, angular and energy
distributions, the flux depression caused by neutron absorption, and the detailed transport and
thermalization of epithermal neutrons. MCNP also operates on a variety of computer platforms,
including Windows NT, Windows 95 and Linux, all of which operate on PCs. MCNP is a
benchmarked reliable code, created and maintained by the Code Integration Group at Los
Alamos National Labs.
2.2 Parallel Virtual Machine
The ability to link computers and run tasks in parallel requires additional software.
Parallel Virtual Machine (PVM), created and maintained by Oak Ridge National Laboratory,
allows a heterogeneous network of computers to be linked together4. PVM is accessed by a
series of routines used by other programs that allow them to spawn subtasks and pass messages
on linked computers. MCNP has included the appropriate PVM calls since MCNP4A, and has
additional PVM load balancing routines in MCNP4B. It has been reported for workstation
clusters that MCNP speedup using PVM multiprocessing roughly scales with the number of
processors used5.
2.3 Linux
Although MCNP works on a variety of operating systems used by PCs, only Linux
supports the parallel version of MCNP, mcnp.pvm. Linux is a UNIX based operating system
for PCs, easy to install and maintain. Initial tests showed that the Linux GNU FORTRAN
compiler (G77) produced an executable twenty percent slower than the Lahey FORTRAN 90
(LF90) compiler under the Windows NT operating system. Since the runtime increase was
significantly smaller than the decrease associated with PVM speedup, Slackware Linux 2.0.29
and PVM 3.3.11 were installed on the BIDMC-MIT group’s computers.
2.4 MCNP with PVM
The installation of Linux and PVM is reasonably straight forward. Both are freeware
and obtainable via ftp from and respectively. MCNP4B is
obtainable from the Radiation Safety Information Computational Center (RSICC), and the
Linux installation file, fix4b.970723, can be obtained from XTM /world.
During the MCNP installation process, PVM should be enabled in MCSETUP, option 5.16.
The path for the Linux PVM libraries should be entered. The resulting compiled and linked
executable should be named mcnp.pvm and placed in the subdirectory pvm3/bin/LINUX in the
users home directory.
Speed Tally Enhancements for MCNP5
MCNP can represent the subject’s head in a variety of ways. The BIDMC-MIT team
converts subject CT data into an arrangement of 1 cm3 voxels, each a homogenized
combination of air, bone, tissue and/or tumor. The model uses 11025 one cm3 voxels arranged
in a twenty-one by twenty-one by twenty-five cm parallelepiped. In MCNP, each voxel can be
represented as a standard 3-D cell, or the entire arrangement can be modeled as a lattice.
3.1 Non Lattice Geometry Model
The standard cell geometry of MCNP fully describes the location, material, and
boundaries of each of the 11025 cells. The neutron and gamma BNCT problems require fortysix
and forty-three Mbytes of memory, respectively. These memory requirements are large
enough to prevent MCNP from operating within a Windows NT DOS window. The standard
MCNP 4B lattice version decreases these memory requirements to nineteen and fourteen
Mbytes, but it prohibitively increases wall clock runtimes.
3.2 Lattice Geometry Model
The lattice geometry model is more complex, requiring multiple “universe” levels. The
lattice consists of a single rectangular parallelepiped, defined by the user, repeated infinitely in
all directions. Only a portion of this lattice universe level is used for particle transport. The
bounding “window” is defined in the higher universe, where the window is filled by the lattice
universe. The lattice is filled with other cells that contain the appropriate material information.
The MCNP source code can be greatly optimized for certain lattice applications. To
this end, tracking and tallying optimizations were developed for the BNCT problem. The tally
optimization removes extraneous energy bins and tally modifiers, while retaining the necessary
tally multipliers and DE, DF cards that are used to convert cell averaged neutron fluxes to dose
rates. Tracking was made more efficient by removing checks for generalized geometries and
specializing only to the lattice geometry enclosed in a parallelepiped. These tracking and tally
enhancements can be applied to the MCNP4B source code with an install.fix file and the
standard compilation procedure can be used to create a specialized MCNP executable called
MCNPBNCT. These optimizations reduce the runtimes by factors of two for the tracking
modifications and fifty for the tallying modifications. This reduces the executation times of the
lattice model below that of the standard cell model. Furthermore, MCNPBNCT is compatible
with the PVM multiprocessing feature, allowing for further reductions in runtimes.
The MCNPBNCT executable was compared against the standard MCNP4B release
using non lattice geometry, and against the previous executable MCNPNEDH, an optimized
lattice version of MCNP4A created by Everett Redmond II. The time decreases were
quantified and the dose rates were verified against the previously accepted code.
4.1 Execution Times
The combination of the tracking and tallying enhancements and PVM significantly
reduced wall clock runtimes. The single beam scoping evaluation of both the neutron and
gamma components, previously totaling one hundred fifty minutes on one 200 MHz Pentium
Pro running MCNPNEDH, was reduced to fifty nine minutes using two 200 MHz Pentium
Pros. The runtimes for MCNPNEDH, MCNP4B with the lattice and non lattice geometry, and
the PVM enabled MCNP4B lattice model with two 200 MHz Pentium Pro’s are shown in Fig.
1. Both MCNP4B lattice models use the tracking and tallying optimizations.
Speed Tally Enhancements for MCNP5
0 2 4 6 8 10
MCNP4B Non Lattice (1)
MCNPNEHD Lattice (1)
MCNP4B Lattice (1)
MCNP4B Lattice (2)
Wall Clock Runtimes (min)
Millions of Source Particles
Figure 1. Total wall clock runtimes for a single beam evaluation. The error associated with each point is a few
minutes. The numbers in parentheses in the key are how many CPUs were added to the virtual machine.
Scoping runs are typically one or three million source particles, and final evaluations
are ten million source particles. This reduces the statistical error from 5% to 1.5% in the
regions of interest, in and around the maximum dose and tumor locations.
4.2 Single Task Verification
Before this new version was used during the BNCT treatment planning process, its
calculated dose rates were verified with the previous version. This is especially necessary since
the lattice enhanced version will not run the MCNP test suite. When ten million source
particles were run, the two versions agreed within two percent for cells with RBE dose rates
greater than 1 RBE cGy/min, and within four percent for lower dose rate cells.
While using MCNPBNCT with PVM does greatly reduce runtimes for a single beam,
actual treatment planning involves multiple beams, typically four. Currently each beam
requires a separate MCNP run and the MacNCTPlan computer system consists of only two 200
MHz Pentium CPUs. Thus the number of cases to be run exceeds the number of CPUs and the
potential speedup from multiprocessing with PVM is negated (i.e., it is more efficient to run the
four cases on 2 CPUs without PVM than to run one case at a time with PVM across 2 CPUs).
Due to these CPU limitations, treatment planning uses the non PVM MCNPBNCT executable
generated by LF90 on Windows NT. With this executable a four-beam analysis can be
completed in 176 minutes instead of 214 minutes required for the LINUX executable. In a
similar fashion, the two final runs are most efficiently run under Windows NT without PVM. If
a single beam evaluation is needed, then using the LINUX version of MCNPBNCT with PVM
will reduce runtimes by nearly a factor of two.
To alleviate this efficiency dependence on number of tasks and operating systems, and
to further reduce BNCT treatment planning time, more computers should be added to the
virtual machine. It has been shown that the decrease in wall clock runtime is proportional to
Speed Tally Enhancements for MCNP5
the number of linked CPUs. Accordingly, if ten 200 MHz Pentium Pros formed a parallel
virtual machine, the one million source scoping run could be reduced to seventeen minutes.
This would greatly enhance the practicality of treatment planning, easing scheduling burdens.
This research was supported by a U.S. Department of Energy (Office of Health and
Environmental Research) grant to Los Alamos National Laboratory. The authors would like to
thank the BIDMC-MIT BNCT team, including Stead Kiger, Dr, Dr. Guido Solares, and Dr.
Robert Zamenhof for their support.
1. J.F. Briesmeister, Ed., “MCNP - A General Monte Carlo N-Particle Transport Code,” v. 4B,
Los Alamos National Laboratory report LA-12625-M Version 4B (March 1997).
2. W. S. Kiger, III, et. al. “MacNCTPlan: An Improved Macintosh-Based Treatment Planning
Program,” Trans. Am. Nuc. Soc., 75, 38, (1996).
3. R.G. Zamenhof, et. al. “Monte Carlo-Based Treatment Planning for Boron Neutron Capture
Therapy Using Custom Designed Models Automatically Generated from CT Data.” Int. J.
Radiation Oncology Biol. and Phys., 35 [2], 383-397 (1996).
4. Al Geist, et. all. “PVM: Parallel Virtual Machine - A User’s Guide and Tutorial for
Networked Parallel Computing” Cambridge, MA. The MIT Press. (1994)
5. G. W. McKinney et al., "Multiprocessing MCNP on an IBM RS/6000 Cluster," Trans. Am.
Nucl. Soc., 68, 212 (1993).
6. G. W. McKinney, "A Practical Guide to Using MCNP with PVM," Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc.,
71, 397 (1994).
Speed Tally Enhancements for MCNP5
Appendix B: LaJolla 1998 BNCT Conference Paper
This is the second of the two conference papers on the speed tally patch. It describes
the patch, the improvements resulting from it, and discusses the differences between results
run with and without the patch. Since the speed tally modifications prevent the code from
tracking, the calculated dose for each of the 11,025 voxels in the geometric model were
compared and found to have acceptable differences. Citation: Goorley, T, G. McKinney,
K. Adams, G. Estes, “MCNP Enhancements, Parallel Computing and Error Analysis for
BNCT” in Frontiers in Neutron Capture Therapy. Ed. M.F. Hawthorne, K. Shelly, and R.J.
Wiersema. Plenum Publishers, New York, 2001, pp. 599-604.
T. Goorley1, G. McKinney2, K. Adams2, G. Estes3
1Nuclear Reactor Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
2X-CI, Los Alamos National Laboratory
3X-TM, Los Alamos National Laboratory
The Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT) treatment planning procedure used by the
Harvard/MIT BNCT Program relies on MCNP2 to calculate dose rates throughout a patient
specific model for NCT irradiations. Since MCNP transport calculations are a time consuming
portion of the treatment planning process, their acceleration greatly improves treatment
planning efficiency. Source code augmentations and implementation of parallel computing on
Windows NT computers have greatly decreased the time needed for these dosimetry
calculations. A statistical uncertainty analysis verified that the appropriate number of source
particles, which varies with the irradiation beam orientation, was being used for treatment
MCNP is a well benchmarked, general purpose radiation transport program with extensive
capabilities.1 Some of these capabilities are useful for BNCT dose calculations, including
modeling the spatial, energy and angular distributions of the irradiation beam, and calculating
the flux depression caused by explicitly increased boron concentrations in the modeled tumor.2
MCNP can also calculate the dose rates from the thermal and fast neutron reactions in tissue,
primarily from nitrogen absorption and hydrogen recoil respectively, neutron absorption by
boron, and gamma ray interactions, to every voxel of a lattice model based on the patient
specific CT data.3,4 Some of the other features included in MCNP are not needed for these
BNCT calculations, and their removal significantly reduces run time. The enhancements
assume that the lattice is a rectangular parallelepiped, and simplifies lattice tracking
calculations. The lattice tallying calculations are also accelerated by removing energy bin
a MCNP is a trademark of the Regents of the University of California, Los Alamos National Laboratory.
Speed Tally Enhancements for MCNP5
tallies, although the DE and DF cards, which are used in BNCT dose rate calculations to
convert energy dependent neutron or photon fluxes to KERMA rates, are kept intact. The
tracking improvements account for a factor of 1.2 runtime reduction for neutrons, while the
tallying improvements account for a factor of 190. The executable created from the
combination of these two modifications is called MCNPBNCT. While MCNPBNCT will not
pass the MCNP test suite, which is used to ensure that MCNP was properly installed,
MCNPBNCT was verified by running the same input deck as the unmodified MCNP and
comparing the results, which were within statistical uncertainty for the converged result from
10 million particles.
Table 1 shows wall-clock runtimes, in minutes, associated with one beam orientation for
Harvard/MIT subject 97-4. The asterisks denote estimated times, while the other values are
actual times with errors of a few seconds. The wall-clock runtime is slightly greater than the
sum of the MCNP startup time, cp0, and the final MCNP runtime, ctm. Wall clock run times
are important to clinical treatment planning situations, where the time between dose rate data
analysis is a limiting factor.
Table 1. Single CPU MCNP Wall-Clock Run Times in minutes for 104 or 106 Source Particles
NPS=10,000 NPS=1,000,000
Voxel Geometry Neutron Gamma Neutron Gamma
Lattice 839 86 83,000* 8,400*
Lattice with Tracking Enhancement 704 86 69,000* 8,400*
Lattice with Tally Enhancement 4.4 2.8 86.9 20.7
Lattice with Both Enhancements 4.4 3.2 85.6 20.4
* Indicates an estimate of runtime, based on linear scaling of ctm times from shorter run.
As can be seen from Table 1.1, the dominant time savings comes from modifications of the
tally routine in MCNP for this calculation. Only for runs with more than 3 million particles do
the tracking modifications contribute to runtime reduction when combined with the tally
modification. For shorter runs, the wall-clock runtimes for MCNPBNCT, as shown on the last
line in table 1.1, are dominated by the setup times (cp0): 2.73 minutes for neutron source
particle runs and 2.36 minutes for gamma source particle runs. The estimated wall clock run
times were made by adding the startup time to the linearly scaled particle tracking time. The
patch files needed to create MCNPBNCT are available from the first author.
MCNP has the capability to simultaneously run over a heterogeneous computing network,
using a program called Parallel Virtual Machine (PVM), developed at Oak Ridge National
Laboratory.5.6,7 Both software programs were recently modified to allow IBM PCs running the
operating systems Windows NT to be linked together, along with the other supported systems
(UNIX Sun Solaris, SGI Irix, PC Linux, etc.), allowing the MCNP transport calculation
runtimes to be reduced by a factor equivalent to the number of computers being used.8
The primary obstacle in the development of a Windows NT parallel version of MCNP was the
mixed language programming, where real numbers, integers and character strings had to be
passed correctly between MCNP, written in FORTRAN, and PVM, written in C. This required
compilers able to compile each program’s source code, and a common linker able to link
together each compiler’s object files. The recent release of Digital Visual FORTRAN 5.0,
Speed Tally Enhancements for MCNP5
compatible with Microsoft Visual C/C++ 4.0, fulfilled these requirements. Although several
difficulties were encountered, attributed to the beta status of version of PVM 3.4 beta 6 for
Windows, modifications were developed that allow MCNP4B to effectively pass the MCNP
parallel test suite.
Table 2 shows the wall clock runtimes, in minutes, for MCNPBNCT running in parallel under
Windows NT on up to four 200 MHz Pentium Pro computers. The third and fourth CPU used
were on a dual CPU motherboard in one computer.
Table 2. Parallel MCNPBNCT Wall-Clock Runtimes.
Number of
CPUs used Number of Spawned Tasks NPS = 10,000 NPS = 1,000,000
1 Not run in Parallel 7.6 106
2 2 15 99
3 2 8 64
3 3 12 59
4 3 8 44
Various options in PVM and MCNP can be used to reduced the total wall-clock runtime of the
dose rate calculation. Although the MCNP master process, which performs startup calculations
and directs spawned tasks, typically does not run any particles, it does use a portion of the
computational power, constantly checking to see whether the subtasks have finished. The
master task can be run on its own CPU, when the number of spawned tasks is less than the
number of linked CPUs available. As shown in lines three and four of Table 2, it is more
efficient to have the master on its own CPU only for short runs. Since tasks spawned by
MCNP are assigned sequentially through the PVM configuration listing, it is possible to make a
PVM configuration of dual CPU mother board computers followed by single processor
computers, and have MCNP assign two processes only to the dual CPU computers. In
MCNP4B, the tasks command line option allows the optional use of a negative number of
spawned processes, which disables PVM load balancing9, providing some runtime reduction
for a homogeneous computing network. The MCNP PRDMP card controls the communication
frequency between spawned and master processes.1
In addition to calculating the dose rates to each voxel, MCNP also calculates the statistical
uncertainty associated with each voxel for each dose component. It is important that high dose
regions, particularly around the region of interest, such as the tumor and peak dose rate
location, have statistical uncertainties low enough to ensure statistically significant
comparisons between different beam orientations. Typically the statistical uncertainty
associated with these high dose region is 5% for scooping runs, and 1% for final planning runs.
Figure 1 shows the dose rate and associated statistical uncertainty for various number of source
particles for Harvard/MIT BNCT Subject 97-3. Each dot represents a single voxel.
Speed Tally Enhancements for MCNP5
Figure 1 Dose Rate Statistical Uncertainty for Various Number of Source Particles.
500 K Dose vs. 500 K Error
1 M Dose vs. 1 M Error
3 M Dose vs. 3 M Error
10 M Dose vs. 10 M Error
Dose Rate (RBE cGy/min)
Source Particles
Dose Rate % Relative Error
0.1 1 10
500 K Dose vs. 500 K Error
1 M Dose vs. 1 M Error
3 M Dose vs. 3 M Error
10 M Dose vs. 10 M Error
Dose Rate (RBE cGy/min)
Source Particles
Dose Rate % Relative Error
0.1 1 10
500 K Dose vs. 500 K Error
1 M Dose vs. 1 M Error
3 M Dose vs. 3 M Error
10 M Dose vs. 10 M Error
Dose Rate (RBE cGy/min)
0.1 1 10
Dose Rate % Relative Error
Source Particles
500 K Dose vs. 500 K Error
1 M Dose vs. 1 M Error
3 M Dose vs. 3 M Error
10 M Dose vs. 10 M Error
Dose Rate (RBE cGy/min)
Source Particles
Dose Rate % Relative Error
0.1 1 10
As expected, higher dose rate regions have more particles passing through them, and have
lower statistical uncertainties. When the region of interest is near the beam entrance, it will be
in a high dose rate region, and will require fewer number of source particles (~1 Million) to
Speed Tally Enhancements for MCNP5
achieve a 5% uncertainty. When the entrance location is located far from the region of interest,
as in the case of an contralateral beam, between 1 and 3 million particles must be run to achieve
the same amount of statistical uncertainty. An example of a statistically significant
contribution from a contralateral beam to a primary beam’s high dose rate region is: the dose
rate to the region of interest from a contralateral beam is 0.5 RBE cGy/min +/- 0.05 RBE
cGy/min, while the primary beam is in 5 RBE cGy/min +/- 0.25 RBE cGy/min If the primary
beam calculation had been run with fewer source particles, its peak dose rate statistical
uncertainty would be the same as the second beam’s dose rate contribution to that point.
This paper presents three approaches to reduce the total wall clock runtimes of MCNP dose rate
calculations. MCNP modifications which removed unnecessary calculations, particularly
unnecessary energy bin tallying, significantly reduced wall-clock runtimes. Modifying the
existing PVM capability within MCNP to work with Windows NT allowed additional office
computers to be used during treatment planning calculations, further reducing the calculation
time. A statistical uncertainty analysis was used to determine whether excessive number of
source particles were being run, but the appropriate number was already being used. The total
wall clock runtime of a typical one million source particle beam dose rate calculation running
on four 200 MHz Pentium Pro CPUs was reduced to forty-four minutes.
This research was supported by grants from the U.S. Department of Energy to the Radiation
Transport Group at Los Alamos National Laboratory, with subsequent subcontracts to
Harvard/MIT. The authors would like to thank the Harvard/MIT BNCT team, including Stead
Kiger, Dr. Matthew Palmer and Dr. Robert Zamenhof for their support. The MCNP
enhancements for BNCT were, in part, first proposed by LANL in a paper presented at the Fifth
International Symposium on Neutron Capture Therapy10.
1. J.F. Briesmeister, Ed., “MCNP - A General Monte Carlo N-Particle Transport Code,” v. 4B, Los Alamos
National Laboratory report LA-12625-M Version 4B, March 1997.
2. R.G. Zamenhof, E.L. Redmond II, G.R. Solares, D. Katz, W.S. Kiger III, and O.K. Harling. “Monte Carlo-
Based Treatment Planning for Boron Neutron Capture Therapy Using Custom Designed Models Automatically
Generated from CT Data.” Int. J. Radiation Oncology Biol. and Phys., 35[2]:383-397, 1996.
3. T. Goorley, G.W. McKinney, K. Adams, G.P. Estes. “MCNP Speed Advances for Boron Neutron Capture
Therapy.” Trans. ANS Rad. Prot. Shield. Div. Topical Conf. Apr. 19-23 1998, 2, 95.
4. W.S. Kiger III, R.G. Zamenhof, G.R. Solares, E.L. Redmond II, and C. Yam. “MacNCTPlan: An Improved
Macintosh-Based Treatment Planning Program,” Trans. Am. Nuc. Soc., 75:38, 1996.
5. Al Geist, A. Benguelin, J. Dongarra, R. Manchek, W. Jiang, and V. Sunderman. “PVM: Parallel Virtual
Machine - A User’s Guide and Tutorial for Networked Parallel Computing,” The MIT Press, Cambridge, 1994.
6. J. Dongarra, A. Geist, R. Manchek, and V. Sunderam, “Integrated PVM Framework Supports Heterogeneous
Network Computing”, Comp. Phys. 7:166-175, 1993.
7. G. W. McKinney, “Parallel Processing Monte Carlo Radiation Transport Codes,” Pro. 8th ICRS, Arlington, TX,
Apr 24-28 1994.
8. G. W. McKinney et al., "Multiprocessing MCNP on an IBM RS/6000 Cluster," Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc., 68:212,
9. G. W. McKinney, "A Practical Guide to Using MCNP with PVM," Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc., 71:397, 1994.
10. Guy P. Estes and William M. Taylor, “Potential MCNP Enhancements for NCT”, Advances in Neutron
Capture Therapy, Albert H. Soloway, Roth F. Barth and David E. Carpenters (Eds.), Plenum Press, 1993.
Speed Tally Enhancements for MCNP5
Appendix C: Original MCNP4B Speed Tally Patch
*/ --------------------------------------------------------------- track
*/ Speed up the lattice tracking. 02/18/97 (KJA/GWM)
*i,tr.22 <23367>
if(ll.eq.2)go to 380
*d,tr.258,tr.261 <23611-23614>
320 if(il.eq.0)go to 380
if(nlt.eq.0)go to 380
call chkcel(ic,3,j)
*d,tr.266 <23619>
if(dl(ll).eq.huge)go to 380
*d,tr.275 <23628>
*d,tr4b.14,tr.285 <23640-23641>
if( to 10
if(nint(udt(8,1)).eq.laf(jk+1,1))go to 10
if(nint(udt(9,1)).eq.laf(jk+2,1))go to 10
if(nint(udt(10,1)).eq.laf(jk+3,1))go to 10
if(nint(udt(8,1)).eq.laf(jk+1,2)-laf(jk+1,1)-1)go to 10
if(nint(udt(9,1)).eq.laf(jk+2,2)-laf(jk+2,1)-1)go to 10
if(nint(udt(10,1)).eq.laf(jk+3,2)-laf(jk+3,1)-1)go to 10
*/ --------------------------------------------------------------- tally
*/ Speed up the lattice tallying. 11/04/96 (GWM/GWM)
*d,ty4b.1,ty.358 <30491-30868>
do 10 ml=1,itds(lo)
c ir=nint(udt(8,lev-1))-laf(j+1,1)+laf(j+1,2)*(nint(udt(9,lev-1))-
c & laf(j+2,1)+laf(j+2,2)*(nint(udt(10,lev-1))-laf(j+3,1)))+1
1 laf(j+2,1)+laf(j+2,2)*(kkk-laf(j+3,1)))+1
10 lx=lx+n1+2
Speed Tally Enhancements for MCNP5
Appendix D: An Example of Voxel Phantom Geometry.
The following is an example of three 16x16x16 hexagonal lattices of two materials. With
different constituent materials, it would serve as an example of how to set-up a voxel phantom
in MCNP.
message: o=cube27.o r=cube27.r mctal=cube27.m c=cube27.c
lattice based Tissue Cube 16 x 16 x 16
c The fill card should be fill= -n/2:n/2-1 -n/2:n/2-1 z/2:z/2-1
c Where n is the number of pixels per row and z Axial Slices
100 0 -113 112 -213 212 -313 312
lat=1 fill= -8:7 -8:7 -8:7 8 1999r 9 1799r
10 295r u=100 $ # of fill entries=16x16x16=4096=2000+1800+296
1 1 -1.04700E+00 -70 u= 8
2 2 -0.001 -70 u= 9
3 3 -1. -70 u=10
101 0 111 -114 211 -214 311 -314 fill=100
201 like 101 but trcl=( 50 0 0 )
300 0 -113 112 -223 222 -313 312
lat=1 fill= -8:7 -8:7 -8:7 10 4095r u=300
301 0 111 -114 221 -224 311 -314 fill=300
102 2 -1.0 #201 #301 -1000 ( -111: 114: -211: 214: -311: 314)
103 0 1000
c n = number of pixels per row of square image
c R = resolution of image (mm/pixle)
c z = number of axial slices
c Z = height of axial slice
111 px -12.5056 $ Should be -nR/2 lattice boundary
112 px 0.0 $ Should be 0.0 single voxel boundary
113 px 1.5632 $ Should be R single voxel boundary
114 px 12.5056 $ Should be nR/2 lattice boundary
211 py -12.5056
212 py 0.0
213 py 1.5632
214 py 12.5056
221 py 37.4944
222 py 50.0
223 py 51.5632
224 py 62.5056
311 pz -12.40000 $ Should be -zZ/2
312 pz 0.0
313 pz 1.55
314 pz 12.40000 $ Should be zZ/2
1000 so 50.56417E+01
70 so 5.56417E+01
mode n p
prdmp 2j 1 1
phys:p 100 0
phys:n 20.0 0.0
imp:n 1 8r 0
Speed Tally Enhancements for MCNP5
imp:p 1 8r 0
print 110
m1 1001.50c -0.1058466 6012.50c -0.1395933 7014.50c -0.0184255
8016.50c -0.7269068 15031.50c -0.0039054 17000.50c -0.0014019
19000.50c -0.0039054 5010.50c -0.0000150
mt1 lwtr.01t $ Use S(alpha,beta) data for n transport in tissue
m2 1001.50c 1
mt2 lwtr.01t
m3 8016.50c 1
c Example Source definition, two beams which intersect lattices
c Note that if vex were 1.00 0 0, and dir=1 then the particles are parallel
c to the lattice grid, potentially resulting in ‘Zero Lattice Hit’ error
sdef x=-15.00 y = d2 z= 0.00000000 dir=d3 rad=d1 erg=10.0
vec= 1.00000000 0.00000000 0.00100000
axs= 1.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000
si1 0 5
si2 L 0.00 50.00
sp2 1 1
si3 H 0.9 1.0 $ Foreward beam, almost parallel to vec direction
sp3 0 1
# de14 df14 $ DE DF cards must be present, otherwise
1.00E-11 1 $ the lattice tally results will be all
100.0 1 $ zeros.
# de24 df24 $ These DE DF cards result in no change to
1.00E-3 1 $ the tallies, ie. the Fx4: tallies will
15.0 1 $ report flux.
# de64 df64 $ Use DE DF cards to convert flux to Kerma
1.00E-11 1
100 1
# de74 df74
1.00E-8 1
100 1
fm14 1.5E+13 $ FM card for F4 must be present and must have only
fm24 1.5E+13 $ 1 entry to use lattice speed tally modifications.
fm64 1.5E+13 $ Use single digit multiplier to take into account
fm74 1.5E+13 $ source strength
fm54 (-1 3 -1) $ FM card for FMESH card operates as normal.
e15 0.5 y10 $ e bin card can be used w/ radiography, point & ring, not f4
e5 0.5 10
e0 0.5 10
c F#4 tallies must have full path to lattice and must cover entire lattice
c used for particle transport to use lattic speed tally enhancement
f14:n (100<100[ -8:7 -8:7 -8:7])
f24:n (100<100[ -8:7 -8:7 -8:7])
f64:p (100<100[ -8:7 -8:7 -8:7])
f74:n (300<300[ -8:7 -8:7 -8:7])
f5:p 50 50 50 1.0
f35:n 52 52 52 1.0
c FMESH card does not affect lattice speed tally - use fmesh normally
fmesh54:n geom=xyz origin -20 -20 -20 imesh -12 12 20 iints 1 24 1
jmesh -12 12 20 jints 1 24 1 kmesh -12 12 20 kints 1 24 1
fir15:n 100 0 0 0 50 0 0 0 0 0 $ Radiography Tally
c15 -50.0 3i 50.0 $ c card can be used with fir, fip or fic, not f4
fs15 -50.0 3i 50.0 $ fs card can be used with fir, fip or fic, not f4
sd14 3.787571072 $ enter volume of single lattice voxel
sd24 3.787571072
sd64 3.787571072
Speed Tally Enhancements for MCNP5
sd74 3.787571072
vol no
nps 500
c spdtl force $ or OFF to use/not use Lattice Speed Tally Eatch
c This input deck should use the LSTE automatically, w/o spdtl force
Speed Tally Enhancements for MCNP5
Appendix E: Modified Regression Test Problems.
The following input files are modifications of the regression test suite. They have been
modified so that the lattice speed tally modifications will be applied automatically. They track
and produce the same tally results with either spdtl off or spdtl force, except for the tallies over
the nested lattices in problems 24 and 38.
testprob15 -- test filled lattice and skewed lattice.
1 1 -.6 -1 imp:n=1
2 0 1 -2 -4 fill=1 (-6 -6.5 0) imp:n=1
3 0 2 -3 -4 *fill=2 (-7 5 0 30 60 90 120 30 90) imp:n=2
4 0 2 3 -4 *fill=2 (4 8 0 15 105 90 75 15 90) imp:n=2
5 0 4 imp:n=0
6 0 -5 fill=-3:7 -4:3 -2:2 3 439r
u=1 lat=1 imp:n=1
7 3 -2.7 -11 12 -13 14 -15 16 u=2 lat=1 imp:n=1
8 2 -.8 -17 u=3 imp:n=1
9 0 17 u=3 imp:n=1
1 sy -5 3
2 py 0
3 px 0
4 so 15
5 box -1.5 -1 -3 3 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 6
11 p 1 -.5 0 1.3
12 p 1 -.5 0 -1.3
13 py .5
14 py -.5
15 pz 3
16 pz -3
17 sq 1 2 0 0 0 0 -1 .2 0 0
sdef pos 0 -5 0 erg d1 rad d2
si1 0 10
sp1 0 1
si2 3
sp2 -21
c f2:n 3
c sd2 1
f4:n (6<6[ -3:7 -4:3 -2:2 ])
sd4 1
fm4 1
de4 1E-11 20
df4 1 1
m1 4009.60c 1
m2 6012.40c 1
m3 13027.40c 1
nps 2000
print 72 128 160 161 162
prdmp 2j -1
c spdtl off
Speed Tally Enhancements for MCNP5
testprob16 -- test general source in a lattice.
1 0 1:-3:-4:5:6:-7 imp:p=0
2 0 -2 3 4 -5 -6 7 imp:p=1 fill= 1 (-25 0 0)
3 0 -1 2 4 -5 -6 7 imp:p=1 fill=2 (0 -20 0)
4 0 -11 12 -14 13 imp:p=1 lat=1 u=1 fill=-1:1 -1:1 0:0
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
5 0 -15 16 -18 17 imp:p=2 lat=1 u=2
c interrupt card
fill=0: &
1 0:3 0:0 4 4 4(5 0 0) 4 4 5 4 4
6 1 -.9 21:-22:-23:24 imp:p=1 u=3
7 1 -.9 19 imp:p=1 u=4
8 2 -18 -21 22 23 -24 imp:p=1 u=3
9 1 -.9 20(31:-32:-33:34) 9 imp:p=1 u=5
11 2 -18 -19 imp:p=1 u=4
12 1 -.9 -9 imp:p=1 u=5
13 2 -18 -20 imp:p=1 u=5
15 2 -18 -31 32 33 -34 imp:p=1 u=5
1 -3 px 50
2 px 0
3 -1 px -50
4 -5 p 0.00000000001 1 0.000 -20
5 -4 p 0.00000000001 1 0.000 20
6+ pz 60
7+ pz -60
9 s 5 5 3 .5
11 px 8.334
12 px -8.334
13 py -6.67
14 py 6.67
15 px 25.0000001
16 px -.0000001
17 py -.0000001
18 py 10.0000001
19 c/z 10 5 3
20 c/z 10 5 3
21 px 4
22 px -4
23 py -3
24 py 3
31 px 20
32 px 16
33 py 3
34 py 6
mode p
m1 6012.50m .4 8016.50m .2
m2 92238.50m .98 92235.50m .02
sdef erg fcel d1 cel d6 x fcel d11 y fcel d13 z fcel d15 &
rad fcel d17 ext fcel d19 pos fcel d21 axs fcel d23
ds1 s d2 d3 d4 d5
# sp2 sp3 sp4 sp5 &
-2 -2 -2 -2 &
1.2 1.3 1.4 1.42 &
si6 s d7 d8 d9 d10
sp6 .65 .2 .1 .05
si7 l -2:4:8
sp7 1
si8 l 3:5(0 0 0):11 3:5(1 0 0):11 3:5(0 1 0):11 3:5(1 1 0):11
3:5(0 2 0):11 3:5(0 3 0):11 3:5(1 3 0):11
sp8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
si9 l 3:5(1 2 0):13
sp9 1
si10 l 3:5(1 2 0):15
Speed Tally Enhancements for MCNP5
sp10 1
ds11 s d12 0 0 d25
ds13 s d14 0 0 d26
ds15 s d16 0 0 d16
ds17 s 0 d18 d18 0
ds19 s 0 d20 d20 0
ds21 s 0 d22 d22 0
si22 l 10 5 0
sp22 1
ds23 s 0 d24 d44 0
si24 l 0 0 1
sp24 1
si44 s 45 46
sp44 .5 .5
si45 l 0 0 1
sp45 1
si46 l 1 1 1
sp46 1
# sp12 si12 si14 sp14 si16 sp16 si18 sp18 si20 sp20 si25 sp25 si26 sp26
0 -46 -17 0 -60 0 0 -21 -60 0 16 0 3 0
1 -4 17 1 60 1 3 1 60 1 20 1 6 1
c f2:p 2
c e2 .1 1 20
c f6:p 2 4 6 8 7 11 12 13 15
c sd6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
c print 10 70 128 170
c fq6 f e
c f5:p -48 -18 -58 0
c dxt:p 30 5 3 0.6 0.9
nps 2000
mgopt f 12
prdmp 2j -1
elpt:p 0 4r .05 .06 .05 .06 3r
phys:p 1
cut:p 30
f4:p (5<5[0:1 0:3 0:0 ]) (15<5[0:1 0:3 0:0 ]<3) (11<5[0:1 0:3 0:0 ]<3)
sd4 1.0 1.0 1.0
fm4 1
# de4 df4
1E-3 1
100 1
f14:p (4<4[-1:1 -1:1 0:0 ]) (6<4[-1:1 -1:1 0:0 ]<2) (8<4[-1:1 -1:1 0:0 ]<2)
sd14 1.0 1.0 1.0
fm14 1
# de14 df14
1E-3 1
100 1
spdtl off
Speed Tally Enhancements for MCNP5
testprob17 -- kcode in a rectangular finite lattice.
c finite lattice fails in mcnp4.2
3 0 -8 7 -10 9 -12 11 lat=1 imp:n=1 &
fill=-2:2 -2:2 -2:2 2 124r
4 0 -13:14:15 u=2 imp:n=1
5 &
2 &
.100691 13 -14 -15 #6 u=-2 imp:n=1
6 1 &
.0983726 16 -17 -18 u=-2 imp:n=1
7 px -17.15
8 px 17.15
9 py -17.15
10 py 17.15
11 pz -16.5
12 pz 16.5
13 pz -9.5
14 pz 9.5
15 cz 10.15
16 pz -8.839
17 pz 8.839
18 cz 9.489
mode n p
kcode 30 1 4 40
fcl:n 0 0 1
m1 1001.50m .057776 7014.50m .002131 8016.50m .037403 &
92238.50m .0009846 &
92235.50m .1000062
m2 1001.50m .053702 6012.50m .033564 8016.50m .013425 &
92236.50m .05
f4:n (3<3[-2:2 -2:2 -2:2])
fm4 1
de4 1E-11 20
df4 1 1
c fm4 ((1 2 (102)(101))(1.0 -1 2 0.000502)) (-1 1 -1) (-1 1 -2 -4) &
c (-1 1 -3) (-1 1 -5) (-1 1 301)
c fq4 m e
c f16:p 6
c f6:n 6
c f7:n 6
c f5:p 0 0 0 0
c *f8:n (6<3[0 0 0])
mgopt f 42
print 128
prdmp 2j -1
phys:n 100 0.01
spdtl force
c sd4 3.88242E+04 $ sd card not needed! Correct volumes calculated.
Speed Tally Enhancements for MCNP5
testprob24 -- reflecting lattice. 15x15 at 3.75 w/o u-235 enrichment.
1 1 -10.182 -1 u=2
2 2 -.001 1 -2 u=2
3 3 -6.55 2 -3 u=2
4 4 -1.0 3 u=2
5 4 -1.0 -14:15 u=3
6 3 -6.55 14 -15 u=3
7 4 -1.0 -4 +5 -6 +7 u=1 lat=1 fill=-8:8 -8:8 0:0
21 17r 2 14r 21 21 2 14r 21 21 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2r 3 2 2
3 2 2 21 21 2 6r 3 2 6r 21 21 2 3r 3
2 4r 3 2 3r 21 21 2 2 3 2 8r 3 2 2
21 21 2 14r 21 21 2 2r 3 2 2r 3 2 2r
3 2 2r 21 21 2 14r 21 21 2 2 3 2 8r 3
2 2 21 21 2 3r 3 2 4r 3 2 3r 21 21
2 6r 3 2 6r 21 21 2 2 3 2 2 3
2 2r 3 2 2 3 2 2 21 21 2 14r 21 21 2 14r 21 17r
8 0 -8 -10 -12 u=4 fill=1
9 5 -7.9 8:10 u=4
10 4 -1.0 -8 -10 +12 u=4
11 4 -1.0 -16 +9 u=5 lat=1 fill=0:6 0:0 0:0 4 3r 21 2r
12 0 +28 +29 -19 -17 +13 -18 fill=5
13 0 +28 -19 +17 -31 +13 -18 fill=5 (-11.5 23 0)
14 0 +28 -19 +31 -32 +13 -18 fill=5 (-23 46 0)
15 0 +28 -19 +32 -33 +13 -18 fill=5 (-69 69 0)
16 4 -1.0 +28 -19 +33 +13 -18
17 4 -1.0 +28 +29 -19 -24 +18
18 6 -7.9 (+28 +29 +19 -20 +23 -25):(+28 +29 -19 +23 -13)
:(+28 +29 -19 +24 -25)
19 7 -7.088254305 (+28 +29 +20 -21 +22 -25):(+28 +29 -20 +22 -23)
20 0 -28:-29:+21:-22:+25
21 0 -34 u=21
1 cz .464693
2 cz .483743
3 cz .535940
4 px .71501
5 px -.71501
6 py .71501
7 py -.71501
8 px 11.0
9 px -11.0
10 py 11.0
12 pz 400.903
13 pz 34.0
14 cz .652018
15 cz .690118
16 px 12.0
17 py 12.0
18 pz 439.0
19 cz 82.25
20 cz 83.25
21 cz 116.35
22 pz 0.0
23 pz 33.0
24 pz 447.9
25 pz 485.9
*28 px 0.0
*29 py 0.0
31 py 35.0
32 py 58.0
33 py 81.0
34 so 500.0
imp:n 1 18r 0 1
nonu 1 18r 0
Speed Tally Enhancements for MCNP5
kcode 200 .7 1 3 4500 0
ksrc 1.5 1.5 217.4515
m1 92235.50d 1.31964e20 92237.50d 1.31964e20 92238.40c 2.15905e22
m2 8016.40c 1.00000000
m3 41093.40c 1.
m4 1001.60c .666666667 8016.40c .333333333
m5 26058.60c -.68874500 5010. -.00178200 5011.40c -.00721800
m6 26058.60c -.69500000
m7 26058.60c .830266962 6012.40c .133437328
mt4 lwtr.01t
prdmp 2j -1
c f6:n 8 12 13 14 15 $ heating in mat=0 cells kills mcnp4.2
c sd6 1 4r
c 0 7[ 3 -8 0] < 8 < 11[0 0 0] < 12
f4:n (12<11<11[0:6 0:0 0:0]<8<7<7[-8:8 -8:8 0:0])
sd4 1 $ Tally results silently wrong!
fm4 1
de4 1E-11 100
df4 1 1
f14:n (7<7[-8:8 -8:8 0:0]) $ Tally results agree spdtl
sd14 1
fm14 1
de14 1E-11 100
df14 1 1
c f24:n (11<11[0:6 0:0 0:0]<8<7) $ Paths to lattice cell 11 result
c sd24 1 $ in crash.
c fm24 1
c de24 1E-11 100
c df24 1 1
c spdtl off
Speed Tally Enhancements for MCNP5
example 1, page 4-42 Figure 4.20,sample with old source format , im1
1 0 -1 -2 3 13 fill=4
2 0 -1 -2 3 -13 fill=1
3 0 -4 5 -6 7 u=1 lat=1
fill=-2:2 -2:0 0:0 15 15 3 15 15 15 3 2 3 15 3 2 3 2 3
4 0 -8 9 -10 11 u=2 lat=1
fill=-1:1 -1:1 0:0 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
5 1 -.1 -12 u=3
6 0 12 u=3
7 0 -14 -2 3 u=4 fill=3 trcl=(-60 40 0)
8 like 7 but trcl=(-30 40 0)
9 like 7 but trcl=(0 40 0)
10 like 7 but trcl=(30 40 0)
11 like 7 but trcl=(60 40 0)
12 0 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 u=4
13 0 -99 (1:2:-3)
14 0 99
15 0 -99 u=15
1 cz 100
2 pz 100
3 pz -100
4 px 20
5 px -20
6 py 20
7 py -20
8 px 10
9 px -10
10 py 10
11 py -10
12 cz 5
13 py 19.9
14 cz 10
99 so 142
mode n
imp:n 1 12r 0 1
m1 1001 2 8016 1
mt1 lwtr.01t
prdmp j j -1
c total n source strength = 4.882e6 n/s per assembly, 3 assemblies
sdef cel=d5 pos=0 0 0 axs=0 0 1 ext=d3 rad=d4
sc3 axial distribution uniform
si3 -100 100
sp3 -21 0
sc4 radial distribution proportional to r (uniform in volume)
si4 5.0
sp4 -21 1
sc5 sample in cell 5, 5 different ways using new source format
si5 l 1:7:5 1:8:5 1:9:5 1:10:5 1:11:5 $ 1
2:3(0 -2 0):5 2:3(-1 -1 0):5 2:3(1 -1 0):5 $ 1
2:3(-2 0 0):5 2:3(0 0 0):5 2:3(2 0 0):5 $ 1
2:3(0 -1 0):4(-1 -1 0):5 2:3(0 -1 0):4(0 -1 0):5 $ 1
2:3(0 -1 0):4( 1 -1 0):5 2:3(0 -1 0):4(-1 0 0):5 $ 1
2:3(0 -1 0):4( 0 0 0):5 2:3(0 -1 0):4( 1 0 0):5 $ 1
2:3(0 -1 0):4(-1 1 0):5 2:3(0 -1 0):4( 0 1 0):5 $ 1
2:3(0 -1 0):4( 1 1 0):5 $ 1
2:3(-1 0 0):4(-1 -1 0):5 2:3(-1 0 0):4(0 -1 0):5 $ 1
2:3(-1 0 0):4( 1 -1 0):5 2:3(-1 0 0):4(-1 0 0):5 $ 1
2:3(-1 0 0):4( 0 0 0):5 2:3(-1 0 0):4( 1 0 0):5 $ 1
2:3(-1 0 0):4(-1 1 0):5 2:3(-1 0 0):4( 0 1 0):5 $ 1
2:3(-1 0 0):4( 1 1 0):5 $ 1
2:3(1 0 0):4(-1 -1 0):5 2:3(1 0 0):4(0 -1 0):5 $ 1
2:3(1 0 0):4( 1 -1 0):5 2:3(1 0 0):4(-1 0 0):5 $ 1
Speed Tally Enhancements for MCNP5
2:3(1 0 0):4( 0 0 0):5 2:3(1 0 0):4( 1 0 0):5 $ 1
2:3(1 0 0):4(-1 1 0):5 2:3(1 0 0):4( 0 1 0):5 $ 1
2:3(1 0 0):4( 1 1 0):5 $ 1
(5<7 8 9 10 11<1) $ 2
(5<3[0 -2 0]<2) (5<3[-1 -1 0]<2) (5<3[1 -1 0]<2) $ 2
(5<3[-2 0 0]<2) (5<3[0 0 0]<2) (5<3[2 0 0]<2) $ 2
(5<4[-1 -1 0]<3[0 -1 0]<2) (5<4[0 -1 0]<3[0 -1 0]<2) $ 2
(5<4[ 1 -1 0]<3[0 -1 0]<2) (5<4[-1 0 0]<3[0 -1 0]<2) $ 2
(5<4[ 0 0 0]<3[0 -1 0]<2) (5<4[ 1 0 0]<3[0 -1 0]<2) $ 2
(5<4[-1 1 0]<3[0 -1 0]<2) (5<4[ 0 1 0]<3[0 -1 0]<2) $ 2
(5<4[ 1 1 0]<3[0 -1 0]<2) $ 2
(5<4[-1 -1 0]<3[-1 0 0]<2) (5<4[0 -1 0]<3[-1 0 0]<2) $ 2
(5<4[ 1 -1 0]<3[-1 0 0]<2) (5<4[-1 0 0]<3[-1 0 0]<2) $ 2
(5<4[ 0 0 0]<3[-1 0 0]<2) (5<4[ 1 0 0]<3[-1 0 0]<2) $ 2
(5<4[-1 1 0]<3[-1 0 0]<2) (5<4[ 0 1 0]<3[-1 0 0]<2) $ 2
(5<4[ 1 1 0]<3[-1 0 0]<2) $ 2
(5<4[-1 -1 0]<3[1 0 0]<2) (5<4[0 -1 0]<3[1 0 0]<2) $ 2
(5<4[ 1 -1 0]<3[1 0 0]<2) (5<4[-1 0 0]<3[1 0 0]<2) $ 2
(5<4[ 0 0 0]<3[1 0 0]<2) (5<4[ 1 0 0]<3[1 0 0]<2) $ 2
(5<4[-1 1 0]<3[1 0 0]<2) (5<4[ 0 1 0]<3[1 0 0]<2) $ 2
(5<4[ 1 1 0]<3[1 0 0]<2) $ 2
(5<7 8 9 10 11<1) (5<3[u=3]<2) (5<4[u=3]<3[u=2]<2) $ 3
(5<7 8 9 10 11<1) (5<3[u=3]<2) (5<4[u=3]<3[u=2]<2) $ 4
(5<7 8 9 10 11<1) (5<3[u=3]<2)(5<4[-1:1 -1:1 0]<3[u=2]<2) $ 5
sp5 1. 4r 1. 5r $ 1
.25 .5 .25 .5 1. .5 .25 .5 .25 $ 1
.25 .5 .25 .5 1. .5 .25 .5 .25 $ 1
.25 .5 .25 .5 1. .5 .25 .5 .25 $ 1
1. 4r 1. 5r $ 2
.25 .5 .25 .5 1. .5 .25 .5 .25 $ 2
.25 .5 .25 .5 1. .5 .25 .5 .25 $ 2
.25 .5 .25 .5 1. .5 .25 .5 .25 $ 2
1. 4r 1. 5r $ 3
.25 .5 .25 .5 1. .5 .25 .5 .25 $ 3
.25 .5 .25 .5 1. .5 .25 .5 .25 $ 3
.25 .5 .25 .5 1. .5 .25 .5 .25 $ 3
1. 4r 1. 5r $ 4
.25 .5 .25 .5 1. .5 .25 .5 .25 $ 4
.25 .5 .25 .5 1. .5 .25 .5 .25 .25 .5 .25 .5 1. .5 .25 .5 .25 $ 4
1. 4r 1. 5r $ 5
.25 .5 .25 .5 1. .5 .25 .5 .25 $ 5
.25 .5 .25 .5 1. .5 .25 .5 .25 .25 .5 .25 .5 1. .5 .25 .5 .25 $ 5
nps 10000
c volume of unit lattice cells, 5=15,707.963
c 6 full through cell 3,u3=304,292.0, 3,u2=64,292.037
c 6 full through cell 1=47,123.89
c f4:n 5 6 (5 6 3) $ 3 bins
c sd4 361283.16 2832876.11 7126461.27 $ first 2 are slightly less
c f14:n (5<3) (5<(3[-2:2 -2:0 0])) $ 2 bins
c sd14 282743.34 1r $ slightly less
f4:n (3<3[-2:2 -2:0 0:0]<2) $ Silent Wrong Answers!
sd4 1.0
fm4 1.0
de4 1E-11 10
df4 1 1
f14:n (4<4[-1:1 -1:1 0:0]) $ Tally results match - spdtl off/force
sd14 1.0
fm14 1.0
de14 1E-11 10
df14 1 1
f24:n (4<4[-1:1 -1:1 0:0]<3<3[-2:2 -2:0 0:0]<2) $ Silent Wrong Answers!
sd24 1.0
fm24 1.0
de24 1E-11 10
df24 1 1
c spdtl off
Posting Komentar (Atom)
permisi boleh tanya tidak...,saya mahasiswa fisika ugm mau tanya kalo pd MCNPX ada kata error ini ""fatal error. 1 tally volume or areas were not input nor calculated"...........kira2 kenapa ya?terima kasih