Sabtu, 23 Juni 2012
OSHA Training Institute Construction
OSHA Training Institute
Focus Four: Caught‐In or
‐Between Hazards
OSHA Directorate of Training and Education
April 2011
Construction Focus Four: Caught-In or -Between Hazards
Table of Contents
TRAINER PREPARATION GUIDANCE.................................................................................................. i
Online Resources.............................................................................................................ii
Overview ......................................................................................................................... 1
Topic 1: What is a caught-in or -between hazard? .......................................................... 3
A. Definition .......................................................................................................... 3
B. Examples ......................................................................................................... 4
C. Statistics........................................................................................................... 6
Topic 2. What are common types of caught-in or -between hazards in construction? .... 7
A. Machinery that has unguarded moving parts ................................................... 7
B. Buried in or by .................................................................................................. 9
C. Pinned between ............................................................................................. 10
Topic 3. How can I protect myself from caught-in or -between hazards?...................... 11
A. Use machinery that is properly guarded......................................................... 11
B. Ensure that machinery is supported, secured or otherwise made safe .......... 11
C. Protect yourself from being pinned between equipment ................................ 12
D. Protect yourself on excavation sites............................................................... 12
E. Training .......................................................................................................... 12
Topic 4. What is my employer required to do to protect workers from caught-in or –
between hazards?......................................................................................................... 13
A. Provide guards on power tools and other equipment with moving parts ........ 13
B. Support, secure or otherwise make safe equipment having parts.................. 14
C. Take measures to prevent workers being crushed by heavy equipment ....... 14
D. Take measures to prevent workers from being pinned between equipment .. 15
E. Provide protection for workers during trenching and excavation work ........... 15
F. Provide means to avoid the collapse of structures scaffolds .......................... 17
G. Provide means to avoid workers’ being crushed by collapsing walls ............. 17
H. Designate a competent person ...................................................................... 18
I. Provide training for workers............................................................................. 18
Summary....................................................................................................................... 19
References/Sources...................................................................................................... 20
Appendix A: Caught-In or -Between Hazards Lesson Test ...........................................A1
Appendix B: Review Exercise .......................................................................................B1
Appendix C: Student Handouts .....................................................................................C1
Construction Focus Four: Caught-In or -Between Hazards
04/2011 Page ii
Construction Focus Four: Caught-In or -Between Hazards
04/2011 Page i
The “Construction Focus Four: Caught-In or -Between Hazards” lesson is part of the 4-hour block
consisting of segments on each of the Focus Four Hazards: Falls, Caught-In or -Between, Struck-By and
Electrocution. Because most construction fatalities are caused by fall hazards, falls must be covered for
at least one hour, and we recommend at least one hour and 15 minutes. The other focus four hazards
lessons, such as this one, must be covered for a minimum of one-half hour each. This training is
developed to be used in both the 10- and 30-hour OSHA Outreach Training programs and if applicable,
for other safety and health training purposes.
Using the Instructor Guide (IG): The IG consists of instructions for trainer preparation, resources, a
lesson plan, references, and Appendices. The IG contains content, activities and notes for the instructor.
It is not intended to be a script that is read verbatim to the students. Rather, instructors should
review the entire guide (including referenced materials and internet links) prior to conducting
training, and use it as a resource in their planning and presentation.
The learning objectives and testing: The “Construction Focus Four: Caught-In or -Between Hazards”
lesson segment was developed based on the terminal (TO) and enabling objectives (EO) below. These
objectives are the expected student outcomes; therefore, 1) the instructor may not vary from these
objectives when planning the training session; and 2) the objectives must be measured by testing the
student’s achievement. A test is provided in Appendix A; however, the trainer may develop a modified set
of test questions to meet the needs of the audience as well as to measure the student’s achievement of
the stated objectives.
TO: Given current OSHA and industry information regarding construction worksite illnesses, injuries
and/or fatalities, the student will be able to recognize Caught-in or -between hazards in construction.
Specifically, the student will be able to:
EO 1: Identify common caught-in or -between hazards
EO 2: Describe types of caught-in or -between hazards
EO 3: Protect themselves from caught-in or -between hazards
EO 4: Recognize employer requirements to protect workers from caught-in or -between hazards
Using the Slid Presentation: The Microsoft PowerPoint® 2003 presentation file consists of caught-in or -
between hazard recognition photos which the trainer may use as an activity during the session. The
presentation format is one slide asking if students recognize any hazards followed by a slide displaying
the same photo containing the answer. The instructor may add additional slides to the presentation based
on the lesson content or use their own slides, if appropriate to the lesson content.
Appendices: Provided in the Appendices are the instructor and student copies of the lesson test, lesson
activity documents along with student handouts. Refer to the Table of Contents for details.
Media and/or Teaching Methods: This lesson is one of four segments covering the construction focus
four hazards. It has been set up as a facilitated, interactive training session. Students are given small
“chunks” of information, and then are able to practice their understanding of the subject matter via
activities and workshops. There is a lesson test provided for each focus four segment.
Ideal Setting or Conditions for the Training Session: The ideal setting is a classroom or other area
where students have space to break into groups.
Disclaimer: This Compliance Assistance product is not a standard or regulation, and it creates no new
legal obligations. The Compliance Assistance product is advisory in nature, informational in content, and is
intended to assist employers in providing a safe and healthful workplace. Pursuant to the Occupational
Safety and Health Act, employers must comply with safety and health standards promulgated by OSHA or
by a State with an OSHA-approved State Plan. In addition, pursuant to Section 5(a)(1), the General Duty
Clause of the Act, employers must provide their employees with a workplace free from recognized hazards
likely to cause death or serious physical harm. Employers can be cited for violating the General Duty
Clause if there is a recognized hazard and they do not take reasonable steps to prevent or to abate the
hazard. However, failure to implement these recommendations is not, in itself, a violation of the General
Duty Clause. Citations can only be based on standards, regulations, and the General Duty Clause.
Construction Focus Four: Caught-In or -Between Hazards
04/2011 Page ii
Online Resources
OSHA eTools
OSHA Construction eTool:
OSHA Lockout/Tagout eTool:
OSHA Machine Guarding eTool:
OSHA Publications
OSHA 3120 Control of Hazardous Energy (Lockout/Tagout):
OSHA 2226 Excavations:
OSHA 3080 Hand and Power Tools:
OSHA 3150 A Guide to Scaffold Use in the Construction Industry:
OSHA Quick Cards
Demolition Safety Tips (also available in Spanish):
Top Four Construction Hazards (also available in Spanish):
Working Safely in Trenches (also available in Spanish):
OSHA Safety & Health Topic Page
Control of Hazardous Energy (Lockout/Tagout):
Hand and Power Tools:
Machine Guarding:
Residential Construction Industry:
Trenching and Excavation:
NIOSH Safety & Health Topic Page
Machine Safety:
Trenching and Excavation:
NIOSH Fatality Assessment and Control Evaluation (FACE) Program:
Electronic Library of Construction Occupational Safety & Health materials, developed by CPWR –
Center for Construction Research and Training, with funding from NIOSH
NOTE: Materials may be copyrighted.
Construction Focus Four: Caught-In or -Between Hazards
04/2011 Page 1
The purpose of this lesson is to provide workers with information that will
enable them to recognize common caught-in or -between hazards at
construction worksites. This Instructor Guide is intended to be used when
presenting the OSHA Training Institute Construction Outreach 10- and 30-hour
course. The lesson is comprised of the following four topics:
1. What is a caught-in or -between hazard?
2. What are the common types of caught-in or -between hazards in
3. How can I protect myself from caught-in or -between hazards?
4. What is my employer required to do to protect workers from caught
-in or -between hazards?
Flip chart and markers
Presentation slides
Student handouts
Student copies of
planned activities
Copy of the OSHA
Construction Standards
Copies of Fatal Facts
Accident Summary(s)
worksheets for students
Copies of test for
Small prizes for class
If activity files are used
for hazard recognition,
Review Online Resources
listed in this document
Review OSHA
Construction standards
Review instructor
materials on Review
Exercise, Test, and Fatal
Facts Accident
Summary(s) in
Appendices A, B, C
Make copies of Review
Exercise and Test for
students found in
Appendix A and B
Make copies of Fatal
Facts worksheets for
students found in
Appendix C
The 10 Fatal Facts
Accident Summary
worksheets the
students will
complete during this
session become
their handouts to
refer to for hazard
recognition and
Construction Focus Four: Caught-In or -Between Hazards
04/2011 Page 2
Instruction for this session:
1. Ask the class for an example of a hazard on a
construction site that could cause a worker to be
caught-in or -between objects. Discuss the
examples with the class. Be sure that examples of
the most common caught-in or -between hazards
(caught in machinery; buried in or by; crushed by;
pinned between) are covered.
2. Discuss “Content” section.
3. Show photos of caught-in or -between hazards
and have the class identify the caught-in or –
between hazards in each. Obtain photos of
activities that are relevant to the audience or use
some of the photos from the Hazard Recognition
4. If time permits, conduct one of the following small
group activities:
Accident Prevention Workshop (Determination of
Accident Prevention Recommendations) – Select
Fatal Facts to use (see presentation file and
Appendix C). Divide the class into 3 groups and
have each group analyze one of the scenarios
and provide recommendations for the prevention.
Hazard Recognition Competition - Divide the
class into two teams. Display hazard recognition
photos. The first team to correctly identify a
hazard in the photo gets a point – highest score
wins. Award a small prize (candy bar, pen, or
some other small object) to the members of the
winning team
5. Conduct the lesson test and discuss answers with
the students
Refer to hazard recognition
presentation file titled:
As an alternative, trainers can use
their own photos in the hazard
recognition presentation. If the
presentation is used as provided,
the trainer can use the activity files
provided to add interactivity by
having the students involved in
note taking. To conduct the
activity, locate and print the PDF
files titled:
pril2011.pdf and
For group activity Accident
Prevention Workshop option,
use Fatal Fact Accident Summary
scenarios – see file:
Numbers 15, 31, and 73 are
suggested; see file and refer to
Appendix C for answers and
student worksheets.
A complete set of Fatal Facts can
be found at:
Locate instructor and student
copies of test in Appendix A.
Construction Focus Four: Caught-In or -Between Hazards
04/2011 Page 3
Topic 1: What is a caught-in or -between hazard?
A. Definition
B. Examples
C. Statistics
Content for Topic 1:
A. Definition
The key factor in making a determination between a
Caught event and a Struck event is whether the
impact of the object alone caused the injury. When the
impact alone creates the injury, the event should be
recorded as Struck. When the injury is created more
as a result of crushing injuries between objects, the
event should be recorded as Caught.
Events that should be classified as Caught include:
Cave-ins (trenching)
Being pulled into or caught in machinery and
equipment (this includes strangulation as the
result of clothing caught in running machinery
and equipment)
Being compressed or crushed between rolling,
sliding, or shifting objects such as semi-trailers
and a dock wall, or between a truck frame and a
hydraulic bed that is lowering
Transportation accidents in which
at least one vehicle was in normal
operation are not included in this
discussion of caught-in or –
between hazards.
According to OSHA, caught-in or -
between hazards are defined as:
Injuries resulting from a person
being squeezed, caught, crushed,
pinched, or compressed between
two or more objects, or between
parts of an object. This includes
individuals who get caught or
crushed in operating equipment,
between other mashing objects,
between a moving and stationary
object, or between two or more
moving objects.
Construction Focus Four: Caught-In or -Between Hazards
04/2011 Page 4
B. Examples
Caught- in or -between hazards in construction cause
accidents such as the following:
A worker was ripping a 6-inch piece of wood on
an unguarded compound miter saw. His left
thumb was caught in the saw and amputated.
An employee was performing diagnostic work on
a water truck at a construction site. The worker
crawled under the operating truck. The
employee’s work shirt collar and coveralls
became caught on a projecting set screw on the
rotating pump shaft. The set screw pulled him
into the pump shaft. The employee died en route
to the hospital.
A worker climbed onto an I-beam to clean muck
off the tail pulley of a conveyor belt attached to a
separator. While the conveyor system was
energized and in operation, the employee
reached between the feed and return of the belt
in front of the tail pulley with his hand to brush
the muck off the belt. He was caught by the
moving belt, and his hand and arm were pulled
into a pinch point in the tail pulley. The
employee’s arm was fractured.
A worker was in the bottom of a 9.5-foot deep
trench, setting grade for concrete pipe while the
employer was installing additional shoring.
During the shoring installation, the west wall at
the south end of the excavation caved-in and
covered the worker. There was no shoring or
protective system at the location of the trench.
The employee was dug out by coworkers and the
fire department and survived.
An employee and a co-worker were working in a
9-foot deep excavation installing water pipes,
when the south side of the excavation caved in
on the employee and buried him. The employee
was killed.
Select examples to discuss with
the class, or provide examples of
accidents related to the type of
work your audience does. You can
locate accident summaries on
OSHA’s website.
Go to:
Within the keyword field, enter a
keyword to be searched against.
For example, to obtain accident
investigations involving trenching
or excavation cave-ins, enter the
key word Cave-In. To view a list of
key words, use the keyword list at
the bottom of the Accident
Investigation Search page.
Another source of accident
descriptions is the NIOSH Fatality
Assessment and Control
Evaluation (FACE) Program.
Go to:
Construction Focus Four: Caught-In or -Between Hazards
04/2011 Page 5
Two laborers were framing out footing for
foundation walls in an excavation 100-foot long
by 45-foot wide by 10-foot deep. The adjacent
property along the north wall of the excavation
consisted of seven garages, with a 10-foot high
cinderblock wall. The cinderblock wall was
undermined approximately 2 feet and was not
supported. The wall collapsed, crushing the
laborers. One was killed and the other was taken
to the hospital for back and shoulder injuries.
A worker was operating a road grader when the
engine died and the vehicle began to roll toward
a small ravine. The employee jumped off the
grader but was pulled under the grader as it
overturned. He was killed when he was crushed
underneath the tires.
An employee was working from an aerial lift,
which was in the “up” position, under an I-beam.
He accidentally came into contact with the
“drive/steer” lever, which made the manlift move.
The employee was killed when he was pinned
between the I-beam and manlift control panel.
A worker was cleaning an asphalt paving
spreader. Another worker was repairing a
pavement roller. The roller was accidently put
into motion and it rolled toward the spreader. The
first employee was injured when he was pinned
between the two machines.
An employee was placing dunnage underneath
the sheet metal. A coworker was operating a
powered industrial forklift loading sheet metal
onto a flatbed truck. As the coworker was loading
the sheet metal onto the flatbed truck, one of the
bands holding the sheet metal together either
broke or the clamp was not properly secured.
The back band failed and the load of sheet metal
slid forward onto the employee, pinning him
under the sheet metal and against a dumpster.
The employee was hospitalized and treated for a
fractured leg and a dislocated knee.
Construction Focus Four: Caught-In or -Between Hazards
04/2011 Page 6
C. Statistics
In 2008, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reported
that the total number of fatal work injuries involving
caught-in or –between hazards remained about the
same for all of private industry as in 2007. However,
the number of such fatalities has increased by
approximately 10% since 2003. In 2008, the private
construction industry alone accounted for 92 of the
caught-in or –between fatalities, or approximately 23%
of the total.
The number of fatalities involving caught-in or –
between hazards in the private construction industry
has decreased by about 20% since 2003. The biggest
decrease in caught-in or –between fatalities in the
private construction industry has been in excavation or
trenching cave-ins. There were 44 such fatalities in
2003 and only 16 in 2008.
Altogether, 975 private-industry construction workers
died on the job in 2008, with 92 of them (9%) killed as
a result of caught-in or –between hazards.
Occupational fatalities caused by caught in- or –
between hazards are serious concerns. This lesson
will help you identify these hazards at your worksite so
that you can be protected.
For the most current statistical
data, or for more detail, see:
Review Exercise
Distribute Review Exercise worksheet to students.
Provide time to complete the worksheet and discuss
the correct answers.
Locate the Review Exercise in
Appendix B.
Construction Focus Four: Caught-In or -Between Hazards
04/2011 Page 7
Topic 2. What are the common types of caught-in
or -between hazards in construction?
A. Machinery that has unguarded moving parts
causing caught-in or -between incidents
B. Buried in or by
C. Pinned between
Content for Topic 2
Some of the working conditions that contribute to
caught in- or –between hazards include: Machinery
that has unguarded moving parts or that is not lockedout
during maintenance; unprotected excavations and
trenches; heavy equipment that tips over, collapsing
walls during demolition; and working between moving
materials and immovable structures, vehicles, or
A. Machinery that has unguarded moving parts
Major Hazards:
Almost all sites use machinery that has moving or
rotating parts or that requires maintenance or repair at
some point during construction. If machinery is not
properly guarded or de-energized during maintenance
or repair, injuries from caught-in or –between hazards
may result, ranging from amputations and fractures to
death. When machines or power tools are not properly
guarded, workers can get their clothing or parts of
their body caught in the machines. If machines are
not de-energized (locked-out) when they are being
repaired, they may cycle or otherwise start up and
catch a worker’s body part or clothing and cause injury
or death.
Workers can be trapped and crushed under heavy
equipment that tips, especially if they are thrown from
the equipment.
For additional information on
Caught-In Machinery hazards,
refer to list of online resources to
OSHA Safety & Health Topic Page
for Control of Hazardous Energy
OSHA Safety & Health Topic Page
for Hand and Power Tools
OSHA Safety & Health Topic Page
for Machine Guarding
OSHA 3120 Control of Hazardous
Energy (Lockout/Tagout)
OSHA 3080 Hand and Power
OSHA Lockout/Tagout eTool
OSHA Machine Guarding eTool
NIOSH Safety & Health Topic
Page on Machine Safety
Construction Focus Four: Caught-In or -Between Hazards
04/2011 Page 8
Examples of accidents related to machinery or
tools that are unguarded; machine parts that are
not sufficiently supported, secured or otherwise
made safe; and equipment that tips over.
Classroom Exercise
Fatal Facts Accident Summary Reports
Discuss the following accidents and how each
could have been prevented.
A three-man crew was installing an underground
telephone cable in a residential area. They had
just completed a bore hole under a driveway
using a horizontal boring machine. The bore hole
rod had been removed from the hole. While the
rod was still rotating, the operator straddled it and
stooped over to pick it up. His trouser leg
became entangled in the rotating rod and he was
flipped over. He struck tools and materials,
sustaining fatal injuries.
A laborer was steam cleaning a scraper. The
bowl apron had been left in the raised position.
The hydraulically controlled apron had not been
blocked to prevent it from accidently falling. The
apron did fall unexpectedly and the employee
was caught between the apron and the cutting
edge of the scraper bowl. The apron weighed
approximately 2500 pounds.
An employee was driving a front-end loader up a
dirt ramp onto a lowboy trailer. The tractor tread
began to slide off the trailer. As the tractor began
to tip, the operator, who was not wearing a seat
belt, jumped from the cab. As he hit the ground,
the tractor’s rollover protective structure fell on
top of him, crushing him.
Go to:
cidentsearch.html and search by
keyword for additional examples
To display the slides associated
with the Fatal Facts activity see
file: AccidentPrevWorkshop.ppt
Distribute student worksheets.
Refer to Fatal Facts Accident
Summary No. 18
Distribute student worksheets.
Refer to Fatal Facts Accident
Summary No. 5
Distribute student worksheets.
Refer to Fatal Facts Accident
Summary No. 38
Construction Focus Four: Caught-In or -Between Hazards
04/2011 Page 9
B. Buried in or by
Major Hazards:
The major hazard related to buried in or by is cave-ins
of unprotected trenches and excavations. Cave-ins
crush or suffocate workers. In addition, trenches may
contain hazardous atmospheres; workers can drown
in water, sewage, or chemicals in the trenches; and if
working around underground utilities, workers may
also face burns, electrocution or explosions from
steam, hot water, gas, or electricity. Workers who are
working underneath large scaffolds may also be
buried if the scaffolds collapse. Workers may be
buried and crushed by walls that collapse during
For additional information on
trenching and excavations, see:
OSHA Safety & Health Topic
Page for Trenching and
Excavation OSHA 2226
NIOSH Safety & Health Topic
Page on Trenching and
Supported Scaffold Inspection
Tips OSHA Quick Card
Demolition Safety Tips OSHA
Quick Card (also available in
Examples of accidents related to buried in or by
Classroom Exercise
Fatal Facts Accident Summary Reports
Discuss the following accidents and how each
could have been prevented.
An employee was installing a small diameter pipe
in a trench 3 feet wide, 12-15 feet deep and 90
feet long. The trench was not shored or sloped
nor was there a box or shield to protect the
employee. Further, there was evidence of a
previous cave-in. The employee apparently reentered
the trench, and a second cave-in
occurred, burying him. He was found face down
in the bottom of the trench.
An employee was working in a trench 4 feet wide
and 7 feet deep. About 30 feet away a backhoe
was straddling the trench. The backhoe operator
noticed a large chunk of dirt falling from the side
wall behind the worker in the trench. He called
out a warning. Before the worker could climb out,
6 to 8 feet of the trench wall had collapsed on
him and covered his body up to his neck. He
suffocated before the backhoe operator could dig
him out. There were no exit ladders. No sloping
or shoring had been used in the trench.
Go to:
entsearch.html and search by
keyword for additional examples
To display the slides associated
with the Fatal Facts activity see
file: AccidentPrevWorkshop.ppt
Distribute student worksheets.
Refer to FatalFacts Accident
Summary No. 22
Distribute student worksheets.
Refer to FatalFacts Accident
Summary No. 61
Construction Focus Four: Caught-In or -Between Hazards
04/2011 Page 10
C. Pinned between
Major Hazards:
You can be pinned between equipment and a solid
object, such as a wall or another piece of equipment;
between materials being stacked or stored and a solid
object, such as a wall or another piece of equipment;
or between shoring and construction materials in a
trench. These types of hazards can result in multiple
broken bones, asphyxiation, or death.
For additional information on
pinned between hazards, see:
OSHA 3150 A Guide to Scaffold
Use in the Construction Industry:
Examples of accidents related to pinned between
Classroom Exercise
Fatal Facts Accident Summary Reports
Discuss the following accidents and how each
could have been prevented.
Contractor was operating a backhoe when an
employee attempted to walk between the
swinging superstructure of the backhoe and a
concrete wall. The employee approached the
backhoe from the operator’s blind side; the
superstructure crushed him against the wall.
Four workers were in an excavation
approximately 9 feet wide, 32 feet long and 7 feet
deep. Steel plates being used as shoring, were
placed vertically against the north and south
walls of the excavation at a 30-degree angle [no
horizontal braces between the plates]. The steel
plate on the south wall tipped over, pinning (and
killing) an employee between the steel plate and
the pipe casing. The backhoe was being
operated adjacent to the excavation.
Go to:
entsearch.html and search by
keyword for additional examples
To display the slides associated
with the Fatal Facts activity see
file: AccidentPrevWorkshop.ppt
Distribute student worksheets.
Refer to FatalFacts Accident
Summary No. 50
Distribute student worksheets.
Refer to FatalFacts Accident
Summary No. 13
Construction Focus Four: Caught-In or -Between Hazards
04/2011 Page 11
Topic 3. How can I protect myself from caught-in
or -between hazards?
A. Use Machinery that is Properly Guarded
B. Use Other Methods to Ensure that Machinery Is
Sufficiently Supported, Secured or Otherwise
Made Safe
C. Protect Yourself from Being Pinned Between
Equipment, Materials, or Other Objects
D. Protect Yourself on Excavation Sites
E. Training
CONTENT for Topic 3:
A. Use machinery that is properly guarded
Never remove a safety guard when a tool is being
used. Hazardous moving parts of power tools
and equipment need to be safeguarded. For
example, belts, gears, shafts, pulleys, sprockets,
spindles, drums, fly wheels, chains, or other
reciprocating, rotating, or moving parts of
equipment must be guarded if such parts are
exposed to contact by workers.
Be sure to avoid wearing loose clothing or jewelry
that can be caught in moving parts.
B. Use other methods to ensure that machinery is
sufficiently supported, secured or otherwise made
Make sure that your equipment is de-energized and
cannot be started accidentally. First, disconnect tools
when not in use, before servicing, and when changing
accessories such as blades, bits, and cutters. Turn off
vehicles before you do maintenance or repair work. If
possible, lock out the power source to the equipment.
The type of power source may be electric, pneumatic,
liquid fuel, hydraulic, or powder-actuated. Lower or
block the blades of bulldozers, scrapers, and similar
equipment before you make repairs or when the
equipment is not in use.
Construction Focus Four: Caught-In or -Between Hazards
04/2011 Page 12
C. Protect yourself from being pinned between
equipment, materials, or other objects
Be aware at all times of the equipment around
you and stay a safe distance from it.
Never place yourself between moving materials
and an immovable structure, vehicle, or stacked
Make sure that all loads carried by equipment are
stable and secured
Stay out of the swing radius or cranes and other
Wear a seatbelt, if required, to avoid being
thrown from a vehicle and then potentially being
crushed by the vehicle if it tips over
D. Protect yourself on excavation sites
Do not work in an unprotected trench that is 5
feet deep or more. The type of protection may be
one of the following:
Sloping or benching. Sloping is cutting back
the sides of the trench to a safe angle so it
won’t collapse. Benching uses a series of steps
that approximate the safe sloping angle. The
angle depends on the soil type.
Trench box or shield. These do not prevent
cave-ins but protect the workers who are in
them if a cave-in happens.
Shoring. Shoring are wooden structures or
mechanical or hydraulic systems that support
the sides of an excavation.
Enter or exit a trench or excavation only by using
a ladder, stairway or properly designed ramp that
is placed within the protected area of the trench.
Do not work outside of the confines of the
protection system!
E. Training
Make sure you have the proper training on the
equipment and hazards of your job so that you can do
your work safely.
Construction Focus Four: Caught-In or -Between Hazards
04/2011 Page 13
Topic 4. What is my employer required to do to
protect workers from caught-in or –between
A. Provide guards on power tools and other
equipment with moving parts
B. Support, secure or otherwise make safe
equipment having parts that workers could be
caught between
C. Take measures to prevent workers from being
crushed by heavy equipment that tips over
D. Take measures to prevent workers from being
pinned between equipment and a solid object
E. Provide protection for workers during trenching
and excavation work
F. Provide means to avoid the collapse of
structures scaffolds
G. Provide means to avoid workers’ being crushed
by collapsing walls during demolition or other
construction activities
H. Designate a competent person
I. Provide training for workers
This section highlights selected
requirements only and is not a
comprehensive coverage of the
OSHA construction standards that
have requirements designed to
reduce the occurrence of caught-in
or –between hazards can be found
in 29 CFR 1926:
Subpart I – Tools – Hand and
Subpart L – Scaffolds;
Subpart N – Cranes, Derricks,
Hoists, Elevators, and
Subpart O –Motor Vehicles,
Mechanical Equipment, and
Marine Operations;
Subpart P – Excavations;
Subpart Q – Concrete and
Masonry Construction;
Subpart W – Rollover Protective
Structures; Overhead
Protection; and
Subpart T – Demolition
CONTENT for Topic 4:
A. Provide guards on power tools and other
equipment with moving parts
OSHA standards require your employer to ensure that
hand-held power tools are fitted with guards and
safety switches. The type of guard will be determined
by the power source of the tool (electric, pneumatic,
liquid fuel, hydraulic, or powder-actuated). Exposed
moving parts of power tools, such as belts, gears,
shafts, pulleys, etc. must be guarded. Points-ofoperation
– where the work is actually performed on
the materials – must also be guarded. Power saws are
a primary type of equipment that requires a point-ofoperation
guard. In-running nip points, such as where
the sanding belt runs onto a pulley in a belt sanding
machine, must also be guarded.
Guards are also required on other
equipment with moving parts, such
as chain drives on cranes, to which
workers may be exposed.
Construction Focus Four: Caught-In or -Between Hazards
04/2011 Page 14
B. Support, secure or otherwise make safe
equipment having parts that workers could be
caught between
Your employer should provide a lock-out/tag-out
program or equivalent system to ensure that
equipment is not accidentally energized during
maintenance or repair. Lockout/tagout
procedures are specifically required for
equipment used in concrete and masonry
Bulldozer and scraper blades, end-loader
buckets, dump bodies, and similar equipment
must be blocked or fully lowered when being
repaired or not in use.
C. Take measures to prevent workers being
crushed by heavy equipment that tips over
The best way to prevent workers being crushed
by heavy equipment that tips over is to prevent
the equipment from tipping over in the first place.
For examples, cranes can tip over if the load
capacity is exceeded, or the ground is not level
or too soft. OSHA requires that your employer
designate a competent person to inspect crane
operations to identify working conditions that are
hazardous to workers, including ensuring that the
support surface is firm and able to support the
Your employer must make sure that material
handling equipment is equipped with rollover
protective structures.
OSHA standards require that motor vehicles,
forklifts, and earthmoving equipment must be
equipped with seat belts. Your employer must
require their use. The use of seat belts will
prevent workers being thrown from a vehicle or
equipment and subsequently being crushed
when the vehicle or equipment tips over.
Construction Focus Four: Caught-In or -Between Hazards
04/2011 Page 15
D. Take measures to prevent workers from being
pinned between equipment and a solid object
Employers are required to take measures to prevent
workers from being pinned between equipment and a
solid object, such as a wall or another piece of
equipment; between materials being stacked or stored
and a solid object, between shoring and construction
materials in a trench.
Other example situations are:
During demolition operations, when balling or
clamming is being performed, only the personnel
absolutely necessary to the work must be
allowed in the work area.
Your employer must make sure that proper
bracing is used between heavy plates used as
shoring in a trench.
Your employer must carefully arrange the path of
travel when loading/unloading, stacking, and
storing materials so that no workers will be
caught between materials and moving equipment
or between materials and a wall.
E. Provide protection for workers during trenching
and excavation work
OSHA standards on trenching and excavation
require your employer to designate a competent
person to inspect the trenching operations. The
competent person must be trained in and
knowledgeable about soils classification, the use
of protective systems, and the requirements of
the OSHA standard. The competent person must
be capable of identifying hazards, and authorized
to immediately eliminate hazards.
Construction Focus Four: Caught-In or -Between Hazards
04/2011 Page 16
The employer must make sure all excavations
and trenches 5 feet deep or more, but less than
20 feet, are protected by: sloping or benching,
trench box or shield, or shoring, and that there
are adequate means of access and egress from
the excavation.
If an excavation is more than 20 feet deep, a
professional engineer must design the system to
protect the workers.
Workers must be protected from equipment or
materials that could fall or roll into excavations.
This could include spoils that could fall into the
trench and bury the workers.
Mobile equipment used near or over an
excavation presents a hazard. When mobile
equipment is operated adjacent to an excavation,
or when such equipment is required to approach
the edge of an excavation, and the operator does
not have a clear and direct view of the edge of
the excavation, a warning system must be
utilized such as barricades, hand or mechanical
signals or stop logs. If possible, the grade should
be away from the excavation.
If a crane or earthmoving equipment is operating
directly over the top of a trench, workers should
not be working underneath.
Construction Focus Four: Caught-In or -Between Hazards
04/2011 Page 17
F. Provide means to avoid the collapse of
structures scaffolds
Measures need to be taken by your employer to
avoid the collapse of other structures, such as
scaffolds, that could bury workers underneath
Anytime there is inadequate support, improper
construction, or a shift in the components of a
scaffold (including the base upon which the
structure is built), there is danger of collapse.
Cinder blocks or other similar materials should
not be used to support a scaffold because they
could be crushed. OSHA standards require that
scaffolds can only be erected, moved, dismantled
or altered under the supervision of a competent
person. The competent person selects and
directs the workers who erect the scaffold.
These workers must be trained by a competent
person on correct procedures and hazards of
scaffold erection.
G. Provide means to avoid workers’ being crushed
by collapsing walls during demolition or other
construction activities
During demolition, any stand-alone wall that is
more than one story must have lateral bracing,
unless the wall was designed to be stand-alone
and is otherwise in a safe condition to be selfsupporting.
Jacks must have a firm foundation. If necessary,
the base of a jack must be blocked or cribbed.
After a load has been raised, it must be cribbed,
blocked, or otherwise secured at once.
Construction Focus Four: Caught-In or -Between Hazards
04/2011 Page 18
H. Designate a competent person
OSHA defines a “competent person” as “one who
is capable of identifying existing and predictable
hazards in the surroundings or working
conditions which are unsanitary, hazardous, or
dangerous to employees, and who has
authorization to take prompt corrective measures
to eliminate them.”
Your employer must designate a competent
person for certain construction activities that may
have caught-in or –between hazards:
Training for scaffold erection
Inspections of excavations, the adjacent
areas, and protective systems
Engineering survey prior to demolition of a
structure (and any adjacent structure where
workers may be exposed) to determine the
condition of the framing, floors, and walls, and
possibility of unplanned collapse
Continuing inspections during demolition to
detect hazards resulting from weakened or
deteriorated floors, or walls, or loosened
I. Provide training for workers
OSHA’s general training requirement for
construction workers is:
The employer shall instruct each employee in
the recognition and avoidance of unsafe
conditions and the regulations applicable to
his work environment to control or eliminate
any hazards or other exposure to illness or
Your employer must train you to perform your job
and use the provided equipment safely.
Construction activities that may have caught-in or
–between hazards and that have specific training
requirements in OSHA standards include
Scaffolds – workers who are involved in
erecting, disassembling, moving, operating,
repairing, maintaining, or inspecting a scaffold
Construction Focus Four: Caught-In or -Between Hazards
04/2011 Page 19
During this lesson, you have been given an overview
of common caught-in or –between hazards, ways to
protect yourself, and what employers must do to
protect workers from caught-in or –between hazards.
Conduct lesson test
Distribute student copies and allow time for students
to complete the test. When they have finished, provide
and discuss the correct answers with the class.
Thank participants for their time, attention, and
involvement in the session.
Instructor answer key and student
copies of the lesson test are
provided in Appendix A.
Construction Focus Four: Caught-In or -Between Hazards
04/2011 Page 20
OSHA Website
BLS Website
The Construction Chart Book (CPWR, 2007)
Central New York COSH, 2007, Construction Safety & Health Caught-in or -between
hazards Grantee module, Grant Number SH-16586-07-06-F-36 from OSHA
CDC/NIOSH in partnership with CPWR-The Center for Construction Research and
Training, Hollywood, Health and Society, and the Spanish-language network
Construction Focus Four: Caught-In or -Between Hazards
04/2011 Page 21
Construction Focus Four: Caught-In or -Between Hazards
04/2011 Page 22
04/2011 Page B1
Appendix A: Caught-In or -Between Hazards Lesson Test
Instructor Copy - answers provided separately
See file: CaughtIorB_TestwAns_April2011.pdf
Student copy to distribute follows
04/2011 Page B2
Construction Focus Four: Caught-In or -Between Hazards Lesson Test
NAME: ___________________________________________________ DATE: ___/___/___
1. Caught in or -between hazards are related with excavations [trenches]; therefore,
the hazard considered to be the greatest risk is:
a. Cave-ins
b. Severing of underground utilities
c. Equipment falling into trenches
2. One who is capable of identifying existing and predictable hazards in the
surroundings, or working conditions which are unsanitary, hazardous, or dangerous
to employees, and who has authorization to take prompt corrective measures to
eliminate them is a/n ______________:
a. Competent person
b. OSHA Compliance Officer
c. Qualified person
3. To protect against caught-in or –between hazards, a worker should not only avoid
wearing loose clothing or jewelry, but also a worker should avoid:
a. Operating equipment/machinery while wearing a seatbelt
b. Working with equipment/machinery that has not been locked-out
c. Using equipment/machinery that is guarded
4. Providing worker training on the safe use of the equipment being operated is the
responsibility of the:
a. Employer
b. Worker
c. State OSHA consultation
5. Workers should not work in an unprotected trench that is 5 feet deep or more. The
type of protection installed may be sloping or benching; trench box or shield; and
a. Stabilizing
b. Steadying
c. Shoring
6. To prevent being pinned between equipment or other objects, workers should avoid
a. Using a trench box or shield during excavation work
b. Placing themselves between moving vehicles and an immovable structure,
vehicle, or staked materials
c. Removing a safety guard when a tool such as, a circular saw or power drill, is
being used.
04/2011 Page B1
Appendix B: Review Exercise
Complete the following sentences using words from the word bank.
1- Safety guard 7a- Identifying 2b- 5 feet
2a- Cave-in 5b- Stacked 7b- Corrective 4- Secured
6- Equipment 5a- Immovable 3- Seatbelt
Each word will be used once.
1. To protect yourself from hazardous moving parts of power tools and equipment,
always use a/n Safety guard when using the equipment.
2. To avoid being caught in a/n Cave-in, do not work in an unprotected trench that
is 5 feet deep or more
3. Wear a/n Seatbelt, if required, to avoid being thrown from a vehicle and then
crushed by the vehicle as it tips over.
4. Make sure all loads carried by equipment are stable and Secured.
5. Never place yourself between moving materials and a/n Immovable structure,
vehicle, or Stacked materials.
6. Your employer must train you on how to use any provided Equipment safely.
7. A competent person is capable of Identifying hazards in the work environment
and is authorized to take Corrective measures.
04/2011 Page B2
NAME: ___________________________________________________ DATE: ___/___/___
Complete the following sentences using words from the word bank.
Safety guard Identifying 5 feet
Cave-in Stacked Corrective Secured
Equipment Immovable Seatbelt
Each word will be used once.
1. To protect yourself from hazardous moving parts of power tools and equipment,
always use a/n _______________________ when using the equipment.
2. To avoid being caught in a/n ____________________, do not work in an
unprotected trench that is _____________________ deep or more.
3. Wear a/n ____________________, if required, to avoid being thrown from a vehicle
and then crushed by the vehicle as it tips over.
4. Make sure all loads carried by equipment are stable and ____________.
5. Never place yourself between moving materials and a/n ______________ structure,
vehicle, or __________________ materials.
6. Your employer must train you on how to use any provided ____________ safely.
7. A competent person is capable of _______________ hazards in the work
environment and is authorized to take _______________ measures.
04/2011 Page C1
Appendix C: Student Handouts
Fatal Facts Accident Summary #5
Fatal Facts Accident Summary #13
Fatal Facts Accident Summary #15
Fatal Facts Accident Summary #18
Fatal Facts Accident Summary #22
Fatal Facts Accident Summary #31
Fatal Facts Accident Summary #38
Fatal Facts Accident Summary #50
Fatal Facts Accident Summary #61
Fatal Facts Accident Summary #73
04/2011 Page C2
04/2011 Page C3
Accident Type: Caught in or
Weather Conditions: Clear
Type of Company: Street Paving
Size of Work Crew: 1
Union or Non-union: Non-Union
Worksite Inspections Conducted
(1926.20(b)(2)): Yes
Designated Competent Person on Site
Employer Safety Health Program: Yes
Training and Education for Employees
Craft of Deceased Employee(s): Ironworker
Age & Sex: 22-Male
Time on the Job: 1 day
Time on Task: 3 Hours
A laborer was steam cleaning a scraper. The bowl apron had been left in the raised position. The
hydraulically controlled apron had not been blocked to prevent it from accidently falling. The apron did fall
unexpectedly and the employee was caught between the apron and the cutting edge of the scraper bowl.
The apron weighted approximately 2500 pounds.
Following its inspection, OSHA issued two citations for violations of its construction standards. Had the
employees been properly trained and the equipment been properly lowered or blocked, this fatality might
have been prevented
1. Employer shall instruct each employee to recognize and avoid unsafe conditions applicable to his work
environment (29 CFR 1926.21(b)(2)).
2. Bulldozer and scraper blades and similar equipment shall either be fully lowered or blocked when being
repaired or not in use (29 CFR 1926.600(a)(3)(i)).
NOTE: The case here described was selected as being representative of fatalities caused by improper work
practices. No special emphasis or priority is implied nor is the case necessarily a recent occurrence. The legal
aspects of the incident have been resolved, and the case is now closed.
*Note: Inspection Results added to original document.
04/2011 Page C4
Accident Type: Collapse of Shoring
Weather Conditions: Clear
Type of Operation: Boring and Pipe Jacking
Size of Work Crew: 4
Collective Bargaining Yes
Competent Safety Monitor on
Safety and Health Program in
Was the Worksite Inspected
Regularly: Yes
Training and Education
Employee Job Title: Pipe Welder
Age & Sex: 62-Male
Experience at this Type of
Work: 18 years
Time on Project: 2½
Four employees were boring a hole and pushing a 20-inch pipe casing under a road. The employees were in an
excavation approximately 9 feet wide, 32 feet long and 7 feet deep. Steel plates 8' × 15' × ¾", being used as shoring,
were placed vertically against the north and south walls of the excavation at approximately a 30 degree angle. There
were no horizontal braces between the steel plates. The steel plate on the south wall tipped over, pinning an employee
(who was killed ) between the steel plate and the pipe casing. At the time the plate tipped over, a backhoe was being
operated adjacent to the excavation.
As a result of its investigation, OSHA issued a citation for two alleged serious violations of its construction standards.
OSHA's construction safety standards include several requirements which, if they had been followed here, might have
prevented this fatality.
1. Provide an adequately constructed and braced shoring system for employees working in an excavation
that may expose employees to the danger of moving ground (29 CFR 1926.651(a)(1)).
2. If heavy equipment is operated near an excavation, stronger shoring must be used to resist the extra
pressure due to superimposed loads (29 CFR 1926.652(c)(1)).
-Construction Safety and Health Standards (OSHA 2207) which contains all OSHA job safety and health rules
and regulations covering construction.
-Excavation and Trenching Operations (OSHA 2226) which details OSHA excavation and trenching standards
-Safety and Health in Excavation and Trenching Operations (available from the National Audiovisual Center -
Order No 689601 ), an instructional program with instructor's manual and 139 slides designed to provide greater
knowledge and understanding of hazards in excavation and trenching.
NOTE: The case here described was selected as being representative of fatalities caused by improper work practices.
No special emphasis or priority is implied nor is the case necessarily a recent occurrence. The legal aspects of the
incident have been resolved, and the case is now closed.
NOTE: Standard citation numbers have been changed from the original document to conform to the revised Subpart P
– Excavations.
04/2011 Page C5
Accident Type: Crushed by Dump Truck
Weather Conditions: Clear, Warm
Type of Operation: General Contractor
Size of Work Crew: N/A
Collective Bargaining Yes
Competent Safety Monitor on
Safety and Health Program in
Was the Worksite Inspected
Regularly: Yes
Training and Education Provided: No
Employee Job Title: Truck Driver
Age & Sex: 25-Male
Experience at this Type of Work: 2 Months
Time on Project: 2 Weeks at Site
A truck driver was crushed and killed between the frame and dump box of a dump truck. Apparently a safety
"overtravel" cable attached between the truck frame and the dump box malfunctioned by catching on a protruding
nut of an air brake cylinder. This prevented the dump box from being fully raised, halting its progress at a point
where about 20 inches of space remained between it and the truck frame. The employee, apparently assuming
that releasing the cable would allow the dump box to continue up-ward, reached between the rear dual wheels
and over the frame, and disengaged the cable with his right hand. The dump box then dropped suddenly, crushing
his head. The employee had not received training or instruction in proper operating procedures and was not made
aware of all potential hazards in his work.
Following its inspection, OSHA issued one citation for one alleged serious violation of its construction standards.
Had the required training been provided to the employee, this fatality might have been prevented.
1. Employees must be instructed to recognize and avoid unsafe conditions associated with their work (29
CFR 1926.21(b)(2)).
-Construction Safety and Health Standards (OSHA 2207) which contains all OSHA job safety and health rules
and regulations (1926 and 1910) covering construction. OSHA-funded free consultation services.
-Consult your telephone directory for the number of your local OSHA area or regional office for further
assistance and advice (listed under U.S. Labor Department or under the state government section where
states administer their own OSHA programs).
NOTE: The case here described was selected as being representative of fatalities caused by improper work
practices. No special emphasis or priority is implied nor is the case necessarily a recent occurrence. The legal
aspects of the incident have been resolved, and the case is now closed.
04/2011 Page C6
Accident Type: Caught by Rotating Part
Weather Conditions: Clear
Type of Operation: Telephone Line
Size of Work Crew: 3
Collective Bargaining No
Competent Safety Monitor on Site: Yes - Victim
Safety and Health Program in
Was the Worksite Inspected
Regularly: Yes
Training and Education Provided: No
Employee Job Title: Boring Machine
Age & Sex: 56-Male
Experience at this Type of Work: 10 Years
Time on Project: 5 Days
A three-man crew was installing an underground telephone cable in a residential area. They had just completed a
bore hole under a driveway using a horizontal boring machine. The bore hole rod had been removed from the
hole. While the rod was still rotating, the operator straddled it and stooped over to pick it up. His trouser leg
became entangled in the rotating rod and he was flipped over. He struck tools and materials, sustaining fatal
Following its inspection, OSHA issued one citation for one alleged serious violation of its construction standards.
Had the equipment been properly guarded, this fatality might have been prevented.
1. Employees must be instructed to recognize and avoid unsafe conditions associated with their work (29
CFR 1926.21(b)(2)).
2. Guards must be installed on moving parts of equipment with which employees may come into contact (29
CFR 1926.300(b)(2)).
-Construction Safety and Health Standards (OSHA 2207) which maintains all OSHA job safety and health rules
and regulations (1926 and 1910) coveting construction.
-OSHA-funded free consultation services. Consult your telephone directory for the number of your local OSHA
area or regional office for further assistance and advice (listed under U.S. Labor Department or under the
state government section where states administer their own OSHA programs).
NOTE: The case here described was selected as being representative of fatalities caused by improper work
practices. No special emphasis or priority is implied nor is the case necessarily a recent occurrence. The legal
aspects of the incident have been resolved, and the case is now closed.
04/2011 Page C7
Accident Type: Cave-in
Weather Conditions: Warm, Clear
Type of Operation: Excavator
Size of Work Crew: 2
Collective Bargaining No
Competent Safety Monitor on Site: Yes
Safety and Health Program in Effect: No
Was the Worksite Inspected
Regularly: Yes
Training and Education Provided: No
Employee Job Title: Laborer
Age & Sex: 37-Male
Experience at this Type of Work: 3 Years
Time on Project: 2 Days
An employee was installing a small diameter pipe in a trench 3 feet wide, 12-15 feet deep and 90 feet long. The
trench was not shored or sloped nor was there a box or shield to protect the employee. Further, there was
evidence of a previous cave-in. The employee apparently reentered the trench, and a second cave-in occurred,
burying him. He was found face down m the bottom of the trench.
Following its inspection. OSHA issued a citation for three serious violations of its construction standards. Had the
required support been provided for the trench, it might not have collapsed
1. Employers must shore, slope, or otherwise support the sides of trenches to prevent their collapse (29 CFR
2. Employers must protect employees with adequate personal protective equipment (29 CFR 1926.95(a)).
3. Employers must provide an adequate means of exit from trenches (29 CFR 1926.651(c)(2)).
4. Employees must be instructed to recognize and avoid unsafe conditions associated with their work (29
CFR 1926.21(b)(2)).
-Construction Safety and Health Standards (OSHA 2207) which contains all OSHA job safety and health rules
and regulations (1926 and 1910) covering construction.
-Excavation and Trenching Operations (OSHA 2226), is a 20-page booklet describing pertinent OSHA standards
in detail.
-Safety and Health Excavation and Trenching Operations, available from the National Audiovisual Center (NAC)
(Order No. 689601, $60), an instructional program designed to increase aware-ness and understanding of the
problems and hazards in excavation and trenching operations. It includes an instructor's guide and 139 slides.
-Trenching, also available from NAC (Order No. 007516, $40), a slide-tape hazard recognition program
including 96 slides, instructor's guide, workbook and course outline.
-Sloping, Shoring, and Shielding, a one-day instructional program with classroom session and hands-on
workshop, Available from NAC (Order No. 009863, $30), the package includes an instructor's manual, outline
for field exercise/workshop and 60 slides.
NOTE: The case here described was selected as being representative of fatalities caused by improper work
practices. No special emphasis or priority is implied nor is the case necessarily a recent occurrence. The legal
aspects of the incident have been resolved, and the case is now closed.
NOTE: Standard citation numbers have been changed from the original document to conform to the revised
Subpart P – Excavations.
04/2011 Page C8
Accident Type: Cave-in
Weather Conditions: Cloudy and Dry
Type of Operation: Trenching and excavation
Size of Work Crew: 4
Collective Bargaining No
Competent Safety Monitor on Site: Yes
Safety and Health Program in Effect: Yes
Was the Worksite Inspected Regularly: Yes
Training and Education Provided: No
Employee Job Title: Pipe Layer
Age & Sex: 32-Male
Experience at this Type of Work: 9 Months
Time on Project: 2 Weeks
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF ACCIDENT: Employees were laying sewer pipe in a trench 15 feet deep. The
sides of the trench, 4 feet wide at the bottom and 15 feet wide at the top, were not shored or protected to prevent a
cave-in. Soil in the lower portion of the trench was mostly sand and gravel and the upper portion was clay and loam*.
The trench was not protected from vibration caused by heavy vehicle traffic on the road nearby. To leave the trench,
employees had to exit by climbing over the backfill. As they attempted to leave the trench, there was a small cave-in
covering one employee to his ankles. When the other employee went to his co-worker's aid another cave-in occurred
covering him to his waist. The first employee died of a rupture of the right ventricle of his heart at the scene of the cavein.
The other employee suffered a hip injury.
INSPECTION RESULTS: Following investigation, citations were is sued alleging three willful, four serious and
two non-serious violations of construction standards. Had the trench been shored to prevent slides or cave-ins and had
employees been trained to recognize and avoid unsafe conditions, the accident could have been prevented.
1. Employers must instruct employees on how to recognize and avoid hazardous conditions and on regulations
applicable to the work environment (29 CFR 1926.21(b)(2)).
2. Excavated and other materials must be effectively stored and retained at least two feet from the edge of the
excavation (29 CFR 1926.651(j)(2)).
3. The employer must ensure that the walls or side of trenches in unstable or soft material 5 feet or more in depth, be
shored, sheeted, braced, sloped, or protected in some manner to prevent cave-ins and to protect employees required
to work within them (29 CFR 1926.652(a)(1)).
4. When excavations are subjected to vibrations from highway traffic, additional precautions must be taken to prevent
cave-ins (29 CFR 1926.652(c)(1)).
5. Ladders must be provided as a means of exit when employees are required to be in trenches 4 or more feet deep
(29 CFR 1926.652(c)(2)).
SOURCES OF HELP: Construction Safety and Health Standards (OSHA 2207) which contains all OSHA job safety
and health rules and regulations covering construction.
OSHA-funded free consultation services. Consult your telephone directory for the number of your local OSHA area or
regional office for further assistance and advice (listed under U.S. Labor Department or under the state government
section where states administer their own OSHA programs).; -OSHA Safety and Health Training Guidelines for
Construction (available from the National Technical Information Service Order No. PB-239-312/AS) comprised of a set of
15 guidelines to help construction employees establish a training program in the safe use of equipment, tools, and
machinery on the job.; -Excavation and Trenching Operations (OSHA 2226), is a 20 page booklet describing pertinent
OSHA standards in detail.; Sloping, Shoring, and Shielding, a one-day instructional program with classroom session and
hands-on workshop. Available from NAC (Order No. 009863, $30), the package includes an instructor's manual, outline
for field exercise/workshop and 60 slides;
NOTE: The case here described was selected as being representative of fatalities caused by improper work
practices. No special emphasis or priority is implied nor is the case necessarily a recent occurrence. The legal
aspects of the incident have been resolved, and the case is now closed. NOTE: Standard citation numbers have
been changed from the original document to conform to the revised Subpart P – Excavations.
*Clay and loam are terms not used any longer; Soil condition is now described using A, B, or C
04/2011 Page C9
Accident Type: Caught in or between
Weather Conditions: Clear, dry
Type of Operation: Highway, street
Size of Work Crew: 4
Collective Bargaining Yes
Competent Safety Monitor on
Site: Yes
Safety and Health Program in
Effect: Yes
Was the Worksite Inspected
Regularly: Yes
Training and Education Provided: No
Employee Job Title: Equipment Operator
Age & Sex: 38-Male
Experience at this Type of Work: 11 Months
Time on Project: 1 Hour
An employee was driving a front-end loader up a dirt ramp onto a lowboy trailer. The tractor tread began to slide
off the trailer. As the tractor began to tip, the operator, who was not wearing a seat belt, jumped from the cab. As
he hit the ground, the tractor's rollover protective structure fell on top of him, crushing him.
Following its inspection, OSHA cited the employer for two serious violations and one other than serious violation.
Had the front-end loader been equipped with seat belts and had the employee worn them, he might not have
been killed.
1. Provide seat belts in material handling equipment which has rollover protective structures (29 CFR
2. Instruct employees to recognize and avoid unsafe conditions associated with their work (29 CFR
3. Permit only employees qualified by training or experience to operate equipment and machinery (29 CFR
-Construction Safety and Health Standards (OSHA 2207) which contains all OSHA job safety and health rules
and regulations (1926 and 1910) covering construction.
-OSHA-funded free onsite consultation services. Consult your telephone directory for the number of your local
OSHA area or regional office for further assistance and advice (listed under the U.S. Labor Department or
under the state government section where states administer their own OSH programs).
NOTE: The case here described was selected as being representative of fatalities caused by improper work
practices. No special emphasis or priority is implied nor is the case necessarily a recent occurrence. The legal
aspects of the incident have been resolved, and the case is now closed.
04/2011 Page C10
Accident Type: Caught between Backhoe
Superstructure and Concrete Wall
Weather Conditions: Clear/Cool
Type of Operation: Excavation Contractor
Size of Work Crew: 9
Collective Bargaining Yes
Competent Safety
Monitor on Site: No
Safety and Health
Program in Effect: No
Was the Worksite
Inspected Regularly: No
Training and Education
Provided: No
Employee Job Title: Truck Driver
Age & Sex: 34-Male
Experience at this Type
of Work: Unknown
Time on Project: 4 Days
Picture used may not be representative of a backhoe as indicated in the report
The contractor was operating a backhoe when an employee attempted to walk between the swinging
superstructure of the backhoe and a concrete wall. As the employee approached the backhoe from the operator's
blind side, the superstructure hit the victim crushing him against the wall.
OSHA issued two citations to the employer. One was based on failure to train employees in safe work practices
regarding the dangers of construction machinery. The other citation was for failure to erect barricades to prevent
entry into a swinging superstructure's radius.
1. Instruct each employee on the danger of passing between swinging superstructures of large construction
equipment and solid objects at the demolition site [29 CRF 1926.21(b)(2)].
2. Provide each employee employment and place of employment which are free from recognized hazards
causing or likely to cause death or serious physical harm to his employees [OSH Act Sec. 5(a)(1)].
-OSHA General Industry Standards [CFR parts 1900-1910] and OSHA Construction Standards [CFR Part 1926]
which together include all OSHA job safety and health rules and regulations covering construction.
-OSHA-funded free consultation services listed in telephone directories under U.S. Labor Department or under
the state government section where states administer their own OSHA programs.
-OSHA Safety and Health Training Guidelines for Construction (Available from the National Technical
Information Service, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161; 703/487-4650; Order No. PB-239-312/AS):
a set of 15 guidelines to help construction employers establish a training program in the safe use of
equipment, tools, and machinery on the job
NOTE: The case here described was selected as being representative of fatalities caused by improper work
practices. No special emphasis or priority is implied nor is the case necessarily a recent occurrence. The legal
aspects of the incident have been resolved, and the case is now closed.
04/2011 Page C11
An employee was working in a trench 4 feet wide and 7 feet deep. About 30 feet away a backhoe was straddling
the trench when the backhoe operator noticed a large chunk of dirt falling from the side wall behind the worker in
the trench, he called out a warning. Before the worker could climb out, 6 to 8 feet of the trench wall had collapsed
on him and covered his body up to his neck. He suffocated before the backhoe operator could dig him out. There
were no exit ladders. No sloping, shoring or other protective system had been used in the trench.
As a result of its investigation, OSHA issued citations alleging three serious violations. OSHA's construction
standards include several requirements which, if they had been followed here, might have prevented this fatality.
1. Instruct each employee in the recognition and avoidance of unsafe conditions and the regulations
applicable to the work environment [29 CFR 1926.21(b)(2)].
2. Provide protection from cave-ins by an adequate protective system [29 CFR 1926.652(a)(1)].
3. Provide a means of egress within 25 feet of employees in a trench 4 feet or more deep, such as a ladder
or stairway [29 CFR 1926.651(c)(2)].
-Title 29 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 1926 -- 0SHA construction standards, in particular Subpart P
Excavations. The OSHA standards are available at
-For Information on OSHA-funded free consultation services use the A-Z index to find state locate
"Consultation Services" at
-For information about construction resources use the A-Z index to find the construction page at
-For the "Small Business Handbook" use the A-Z index to find its link at
-Courses in construction safety are offered by the OSHA's Directorate of Training and Education. Course and
contact information is listed at under the Training tab.
NOTE: The case described above was selected as an example of fatalities caused by violations of OSHA’s
construction standards, particularly the excavation and trenching standards. No special emphasis or priority is
implied nor is the case necessarily a recent one. The legal aspects of OSHA’s citations have been resolved, and its
case is now closed.
Accident Type: Trench Collapse
Weather Conditions: Fair
Type of Operation: Excavation Work
Size of Work Crew: 2
Competent Safety Monitor on Site: No
Safety and Health Program in Effect: No
Was the Worksite Inspected Regularly: No
Training and Education Provided: Inadequate
Employee Job Title: Laborer
Age & Sex: 51-Male
Experience at this Type of Work: 6 Months
Time on Project: 2 Days
04/2011 Page C12
Accident Type: Struck by/Caught
Weather Conditions: Clear/warm
Type of Operation: Stacking Structural
Size of Work Crew: 6
Competent Person on Site: No
Safety and Health Program in Effect: No
Was the Worksite Inspected Regularly by
the Employer: No
Training and Education Provided: No
Employee Job Title: Laborer
Age & Sex: 28-Male
Experience at this Type of Work: 4 Years
Time on Project: 5 Weeks
Two laborers and a fork lift driver were staking 40-foot-long I-beams in preparation for structural steel erection.
One laborer was placing a 2 X 4 inch wooden spacer on the last I-beam on the stack. The fork lift driver drove up
to the stack with another I-beam that was not secured or blocked on the fork lift tines. The I-beam fell from the
tines, pining the laborer between the fallen I beam and the stack of beams.
As a result of its investigation, OSHA issued citations for two serious violations of OSHA standards.
The employer must:
1. Instruct each employee in the recognition and avoidance of unsafe conditions and regulations applicable to
the work environment to control or eliminate any hazards (29 CFR 1926.21(b)(2)).
2. Ensure that proper personal equipment (employee did not wear a seat belt while operating the fork lift) is
worn in all operations where there is exposure to hazardous conditions (29 CFR 1926.28(a)).
3. Ensure that powered industrial trucks have loads that are stable and secure and that persons are not
allowed too close to the elevated portions (29 CFR 1926.602(c)(1)(vi)).
4. Ensure that the employer initiates and maintains a safety and health program (29 CFR 1926.20(b)(2)).
-OSHA Construction Standards (Title 29 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 1926) includes all OSHA job
safety and health rules and regulations covering construction, may be purchased from the Government
Printing Office, phone (202) 512-1800, fax (202) 512-2250, Order No. 869-032-00107-3, ($31.00).
-OSHA-funded free consultation services listed in telephone directories under U.S. Labor Department or under
the state government section where states administer their own OSHA programs.
-OSHA Safety and Health Training Guidelines for Construction, Volume III (Available from the National
Technical Information Service, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161; phone (703) 487-4650; Order no.
PB-239-312/AS; Cost $25.) to help construction employers establish a training program.
-Courses in construction safety are offered by the OSHA Training Institute, 2020 S. Arlington Heights Rd.,
Arlington Heights, IL 60005.
-OSHA regulations, documents and technical information also are available able on CD-ROM, which may be
purchased from the Government Printing Office, phone (202) 512-1800 or fax (202) 512-2250, order number
729-13-00000-5; cost $43 annually; $17 quarterly. That information also is on the Internet World Wide Web at
NOTE: The case here described was selected as being representative of fatalities caused by improper work
practices. No special emphasis or priority is implied nor is the case necessarily a recent occurrence. The legal
aspects of the incident have been resolved, and the case is now closed.
Accident Type: Caught in or
Weather Conditions: Clear
Type of Company: Street Paving
Size of Work Crew: 1
Union or Non-union: Non-Union
Worksite Inspections Conducted
(1926.20(b)(2)): Yes
Designated Competent Person on Site
Employer Safety Health Program: Yes
Training and Education for Employees
Craft of Deceased Employee(s): Ironworker
Age & Sex: 22-Male
Time on the Job: 1 day
Time on Task: 3 Hours
A laborer was steam cleaning a scraper. The bowl apron had been left in the raised position. The hydraulically
controlled apron had not been blocked to prevent it from accidently falling. The apron did fall unexpectedly
and the employee was caught between the apron and the cutting edge of the scraper bowl. The apron
weighted approximately 2500 pounds.
Accident Type: Collapse of Shoring
Weather Conditions: Clear
Type of Operation: Boring and Pipe Jacking
Size of Work Crew: 4
Collective Bargaining Yes
Competent Safety Monitor on
Safety and Health Program in
Was the Worksite Inspected
Regularly: Yes
Training and Education
Employee Job Title: Pipe Welder
Age & Sex: 62-Male
Experience at this Type of
Work: 18 years
Time on Project: 2½
Four employees were boring a hole and pushing a 20-inch pipe casing under a road. The employees were in
an excavation approximately 9 feet wide, 32 feet long and 7 feet deep. Steel plates 8' × 15' × ¾", being used
as shoring, were placed vertically against the north and south walls of the excavation at approximately a 30
degree angle. There were no horizontal braces between the steel plates. The steel plate on the south wall
tipped over, pinning an employee (who was killed) between the steel plate and the pipe casing. At the time
the plate tipped over, a backhoe was being operated adjacent to the excavation.
Accident Type: Crushed by Dump Truck
Weather Conditions: Clear, Warm
Type of Operation: General Contractor
Size of Work Crew: N/A
Collective Bargaining Yes
Competent Safety Monitor on
Safety and Health Program in
Was the Worksite Inspected
Regularly: Yes
Training and Education Provided: No
Employee Job Title: Truck Driver
Age & Sex: 25-Male
Experience at this Type of Work: 2 Months
Time on Project: 2 Weeks at Site
A truck driver was crushed and killed between the frame and dump box of a dump truck. Apparently a safety
"over-travel" cable attached between the truck frame and the dump box malfunctioned by catching on a
protruding nut of an air brake cylinder. This prevented the dump box from being fully raised, halting its
progress at a point where about 20 inches of space remained between it and the truck frame. The employee,
apparently assuming that releasing the cable would allow the dump box to continue up-ward, reached
between the rear dual wheels and over the frame, and disengaged the cable with his right hand. The dump
box then dropped suddenly, crushing his head. The employee had not received training or instruction in
proper operating procedures and was not made aware of all potential hazards in his work.
Accident Type: Caught by Rotating Part
Weather Conditions: Clear
Type of Operation: Telephone Line
Size of Work Crew: 3
Collective Bargaining No
Competent Safety Monitor on Site: Yes - Victim
Safety and Health Program in
Was the Worksite Inspected
Regularly: Yes
Training and Education Provided: No
Employee Job Title: Boring Machine
Age & Sex: 56-Male
Experience at this Type of Work: 10 Years
Time on Project: 5 Days
A three-man crew was installing an underground telephone cable in a residential area. They had just
completed a bore hole under a driveway using a horizontal boring machine. The bore hole rod had been
removed from the hole. While the rod was still rotating, the operator straddled it and stooped over to pick it
up. His trouser leg became entangled in the rotating rod and he was flipped over. He struck tools and
materials, sustaining fatal injuries.
Accident Type: Cave-in
Weather Conditions: Warm, Clear
Type of Operation: Excavator
Size of Work Crew: 2
Collective Bargaining No
Competent Safety Monitor on Site: Yes
Safety and Health Program in Effect: No
Was the Worksite Inspected
Regularly: Yes
Training and Education Provided: No
Employee Job Title: Laborer
Age & Sex: 37-Male
Experience at this Type of Work: 3 Years
Time on Project: 2 Days
An employee was installing a small diameter pipe in a trench 3 feet wide, 12-15 feet deep and 90 feet long.
The trench was not shored or sloped nor was there a box or shield to protect the employee. Further, there
was evidence of a previous cave-in. The employee apparently reentered the trench, and a second cave-in
occurred, burying him. He was found face down m the bottom of the trench.
Accident Type: Cave-in
Weather Conditions: Cloudy and Dry
Type of Operation: Trenching and excavation
Size of Work Crew: 4
Collective Bargaining No
Competent Safety Monitor on Site: Yes
Safety and Health Program in Effect: Yes
Was the Worksite Inspected Regularly: Yes
Training and Education Provided: No
Employee Job Title: Pipe Layer
Age & Sex: 32-Male
Experience at this Type of Work: 9 Months
Time on Project: 2 Weeks
Employees were laying sewer pipe in a trench 15 feet deep. The sides of the trench, 4 feet wide at the bottom
and 15 feet wide at the top, were not shored or protected to prevent a cave-in. Soil in the lower portion of the
trench was mostly sand and gravel and the upper portion was clay and loam*. The trench was not protected
from vibration caused by heavy vehicle traffic on the road nearby. To leave the trench, employees had to exit
by climbing over the backfill. As they attempted to leave the trench, there was a small cave-in covering one
employee to his ankles. When the other employee went to his co-worker's aid another cave-in occurred covering
him to his waist. The first employee died of a rupture of the right ventricle of his heart at the scene of the cavein.
The other employee suffered a hip injury.
*Clay and loam are terms not used any longer; Soil condition is now described using A, B, or C
Accident Type: Caught in or between
Weather Conditions: Clear, dry
Type of Operation: Highway, street
Size of Work Crew: 4
Collective Bargaining Yes
Competent Safety Monitor on
Site: Yes
Safety and Health Program in
Effect: Yes
Was the Worksite Inspected
Regularly: Yes
Training and Education Provided: No
Employee Job Title: Equipment Operator
Age & Sex: 38-Male
Experience at this Type of Work: 11 Months
Time on Project: 1 Hour
An employee was driving a front-end loader up a dirt ramp onto a lowboy trailer. The tractor tread began to
slide off the trailer. As the tractor began to tip, the operator, who was not wearing a seat belt, jumped from
the cab. As he hit the ground, the tractor's rollover protective structure fell on top of him, crushing him.
Accident Type: Caught between Backhoe
Superstructure and Concrete Wall
Weather Conditions: Clear/Cool
Type of Operation: Excavation Contractor
Size of Work Crew: 9
Collective Bargaining Yes
Competent Safety
Monitor on Site: No
Safety and Health
Program in Effect: No
Was the Worksite
Inspected Regularly: No
Training and Education
Provided: No
Employee Job Title: Truck Driver
Age & Sex: 34-Male
Experience at this Type
of Work: Unknown
Time on Project: 4 Days
Picture used may not be representative of a backhoe as indicated in the report
The contractor was operating a backhoe when an employee attempted to walk between the swinging
superstructure of the backhoe and a concrete wall. As the employee approached the backhoe from the
operator's blind side, the superstructure hit the victim crushing him against the wall.
An employee was working in a trench 4 feet wide and 7 feet deep. About 30 feet away a backhoe was
straddling the trench when the backhoe operator noticed a large chunk of dirt falling from the side wall behind
the worker in the trench, he called out a warning. Before the worker could climb out, 6 to 8 feet of the trench
wall had collapsed on him and covered his body up to his neck. He suffocated before the backhoe operator
could dig him out. There were no exit ladders. No sloping, shoring or other protective system had been used
in the trench.
Accident Type: Trench Collapse
Weather Conditions: Fair
Type of Operation: Excavation Work
Size of Work Crew: 2
Competent Safety Monitor on Site: No
Safety and Health Program in Effect: No
Was the Worksite Inspected Regularly: No
Training and Education Provided: Inadequate
Employee Job Title: Laborer
Age & Sex: 51-Male
Experience at this Type of Work: 6 Months
Time on Project: 2 Days
Accident Type: Struck by/Caught
Weather Conditions: Clear/warm
Type of Operation: Stacking Structural
Size of Work Crew: 6
Competent Person on Site: No
Safety and Health Program in Effect: No
Was the Worksite Inspected Regularly by
the Employer: No
Training and Education Provided: No
Employee Job Title: Laborer
Age & Sex: 28-Male
Experience at this Type of Work: 4 Years
Time on Project: 5 Weeks
Two laborers and a fork lift driver were staking 40-foot-long I-beams in preparation for structural steel
erection. One laborer was placing a 2 X 4 inch wooden spacer on the last I-beam on the stack. The fork lift
driver drove up to the stack with another I-beam that was not secured or blocked on the fork lift tines. The Ibeam
fell from the tines, pining the laborer between the fallen I beam and the stack of beams.
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